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Sally's Journey: ... into domestic discipline Page 2
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Page 2
He smiled again with secret knowledge. "She will want you, I can promise that, but you will see that for yourself. Actually it is time for me to collect her. I only put her in for a short session because you were coming."
He paid the bill and we walked along to a pleasant low building with a pretty garden play area all around it. A low fence stopped the little ones wandering off. Sam went in to collect Lily and came out with her. She was a pretty little girl. She looked at me shyly and then came over on her own.
"Are you my new mommy?"
Talk about direct. "I don't know yet Lily. I'd have to marry your daddy first and we've only just met."
"He's a lovely daddy."
"I'm sure he is..."
"Are you a kind mommy?"
She certainly believed in getting to the heart of the matter. "For a long time I had to look after my niece who was your age, and her little brother. They thought I was kind."
She nodded as if that confirmed what she thought. "I asked God for a kind, pretty mommy and I knew he'd give me one. You're pretty and you're kind. I think God sent you."
It was a child's faith, but utterly unshakeable, and I felt tears welling up in my eyes. I looked at Sam and he was grinning. His eyes seemed to be saying, "See, you don't need to worry about Lily."
Sam took us back to his house. It was a delightful place and totally different to the houses I was used to back in England. There was a large family room which linked with the kitchen. The family room part had some huge, dark old furniture. It wasn't ugly stuff but, I could see at a glance it was badly positioned which prevented it looking its best and made the space awkward to use. I must have looked at it with a jaundiced eye because Sam suddenly laughed.
"That's the same look Julie gave it all when she saw it. It was my grandmother's. Would you want it to go?"
"No, but reorganising it would be good and changing the decoration in here would help. You have dark furniture and dark walls... not good."
He smiled. "You're very direct."
I looked back challenging him to criticise me. I wasn't going to stop being direct. I had given his question an honest answer and I expected him to respect that. He did.
"You're quite right. Julie couldn't see how to do it differently. Can you?"
"Oh yes, easily, and make the space work better too."
He was pleased and suddenly I knew. I knew it was right to marry him and accept this lifestyle. I was not to know the trouble that furniture would get me in... but that was later. "May I have some time with Lily on her own?"
He checked with Lily who was more than happy and she took me to her room. I spent some time admiring all her treasures. As I did I thought her hair looked a mess. It was long, for her age, and clean, but untamed.
"Lily, would you like me to do something with your hair?"
She was delighted. What she wanted was two plaits at the back with ribbon bows at the end. She even had some ribbon. I'd had my hair like that for a long time when young so I sat down and worked on her hair. She was patient and cheerful. I brushed her hair out carefully and did two of my finest plaits tying the ends with the ribbon in pretty bows. She was so happy with the result she stared at in the mirror and then gave me a huge hug. Then nothing would stop her rushing off to show her daddy. I had hoped he'd be OK with it but when he saw her I thought for one moment he was going to cry; to say he was pleased would be an understatement. I could see he wanted to touch me in some way - a kiss or a hug or something, but he just wasn't sure how I would react; so I went and gave him a kiss... just a little one on his cheek.
"Sam, if you want me, I'd be happy to marry you."
Chapter 2
Much to Lily's delight Sam took me in his arms and gave me a kiss. True it was chaste kiss but it was a good one. I don't remember how we spent the rest of the day but Lily was a major part of it so we had no great revelations or anything. That evening I was taken to Bill and Marion's home. They were in their mid forties with two boys around ten or eleven and they had come to the community together with Sam and Julie. I felt straight away that something was wrong. Marion was stiff with me but perfectly polite... at first. Then it was the children's bedtime... they were very reluctant to go I might add.
Once the children had gone Marion became increasingly rude and hostile. I couldn't work it out at first. However, I kept very calm, and didn't let her rile me, but it wasn't pleasant having her interrupt me every time I tried to explain how I met Sam and why we were marrying. Finally, she said, "Really, you're just a foreign gold-digger who hopes to get half his money in a quickie divorce."
Now that did rouse me and I was about to shred her when Bill intervened sharply. "Marion, go to our bedroom. I will be along later and we will discuss this further."
Marion sucked in her breath and went very red but she didn't argue. She stood and did as she was told. It was my first sign of the domestic discipline ethos of this community. Bill apologised on her behalf and asked me to explain to him what lay behind my engagement to Sam. So I told him my whole story right from my situation when Anne rang me. He was appalled at what had happened.
"So, you've lost your parents and brother. Your sister-in-law is in pieces and you have had to reconsider just what is of importance in your life. Money is something you have in abundance, but purpose is lacking, and you feel drawn to Sam and Lily and feel this lifestyle is for you. Is that a fair summary?"
I agreed it was and then he asked me to go to my room. He was very polite but there was no mistaking it was an order and not a suggestion. Since there was Wi-Fi I had no problem. I wanted to check with Anne's parents as to her condition and ask about the children. Because of the time differences I had to be content with messages. Anyway an early night would not hurt as I had not slept much the night before. It was a comfy room with a lovely big window; I opened the window to look out on the starlight which is something one doesn't see much of in a big city. Marion and Bill must have been in the room next door and had their window open because I was suddenly eavesdropping on their conversation.
Bill sounded very stern. He had been quite kindly responding to my story but now he sounded like my dad when I had been in deep trouble with him.
"Marion, I am ashamed of your behaviour. That was such terrible judgemental rudeness. Sally is our guest and you seem to have forgotten that."
Marion sounded defensive. "Well, I'm worried about Sam. He's leaping into this and she just wants his money that..."
"Marion, had you listened to her story, as I did, you'd know that isn't true. She lost her parents and brother to a terrorist incident. Her sister-in-law went to pieces and she has spent months caring for her and the two small children. She left a highly paid post in New York to do so and in addition to her own considerable reserves has an inheritance from her parents. She is no gold digger. She has been drawn here to our lifestyle, and is bemused by it, but is not resisting. We should be supporting her."
I heard Marion's "Oh" of dismay before Bill went on, "You may make your apologies in the morning. Right now there will be a correction which I know you will agree is well deserved."
"Yes Bill. I am sorry. I leapt to judgement. I guess I was so wrong."
"Prepare please, and then go and stand in the corner with your hands on your head. I am going to make sure everything is shut down for the night."
I learnt later that no one in the community locked doors at night as it was generally regarded as secure being very difficult to get into. I heard Bill as he moved around the house checking on the children and shutting off lights but my heart was banging. If I chose, I could hear one of these corrections being carried out, but should I do so? It's a private thing but I decided to listen. I switched off the lights and slipped off my shoes. With bare feet I slid across to the open window and leaned against it. I was very still so as to avoid discovery. I heard Bill come back in.
"Marion, come here to me please. Good, now lie yourself across my lap."
I heard no sound from Marion.
I guessed this was a routine she was used to. He had her over his knees or lap so it had to be a spanking. I wondered what he was going to use because this could be me once I married Sam. I didn't have long to wait. There was a nasty crack and a sharp squeal from Marion. My heart rate shot up and my tummy began to churn. That didn't sound like a hand smacking down on her bottom but something solid. Something made of wood perhaps. I was shocked into immobility.
Then the crack sounded again and another unhappy squeal came from Marion. I made a mental note of two and tried to keep count. Whatever it was smacking down on her bottom did so in a nasty steady pace that gave little room for recovery. I decided it had to be a hairbrush or a paddle. I didn't know much about paddles but Sam had mentioned the hairbrush and I guessed it was commonly used. The crack of the brush kept up and I began to lose count because it was scaring the hell out of me. Poor Marion. OK she had been horribly rude to me but her correction was painful and I felt sorry for her. I totally lost count at fifteen but Marion's squeals and cries had become louder and were merging into one long sound punctuated by shrill peaks. I thought that her bottom must be really sore by now and that could easily be me in a short time. Could I take that? Then came the sound of Bill's voice.
"Well Marion, do you think you've learned your lesson now?"
Marion's reply was thick with tears and distress. "Oh yes Bill. I'm so sorry and I'm so sorry I was nasty to Sally. I'll put it right tomorrow."
I was relieved. I wasn't sure how much more of that I could take and it wasn't even me being spanked. What followed was comforting for both Marion and me. I heard Bill start soothing her. "Well done darling. You took that well. I hate correcting you but that behaviour was bad but it's all over now."
"Will Sally forgive me do you think?"
"Of course she will sweetheart and I forgive you too."
It was strange, but nice, to hear him comforting his wife after having spanked her hard. At least it sounded hard to me! The lovey-dovey stuff carried on for a while and I was wondering how to withdraw and close the window without alerting them to my eavesdropping. Then something changed. Looking back, it was Marion that changed it. A sort of sexy passion began to invade what had been merely comforting and I realised that they were about to start making love. The last thing I wanted to do was listen to that. I padded softly back to the bed and put a pillow over my head. I fell asleep like that.
When I woke up it was very early still... only five o'clock. The house was silent. My mind went back to the spanking I had heard last night. I did understand it. Marion had behaved badly and been horribly rude and judgemental toward me. The logic of the community was that she had to be corrected and she hadn't objected or fought it. Afterwards Bill had been loving and comforting and then they had sex... I got that in a way. Mark you I wasn't sure I'd want sex after having my bum blistered like that. Understanding it didn't make it any less scary for me but I can't be passive. I decided to see if I could spank myself to see how it felt and if I could stand it.
I only had a plastic hairbrush but it did have a broad back. I was still in my clothes so I took off my trousers and knickers. The guest bedroom had a small private bathroom so I went in there with my hairbrush and shut the door. No one would be able to hear me. It took me a short while to work out how to actually hit my bottom... pointing the brush downwards instead of across seemed best. I smacked the brush down on my bare left cheek and it stung. The sound of the brush was nothing like the sound I heard during Marion's spanking... it was more a hollow 'thunk' from the brush. Still it stung nastily so I smacked it down on my right cheek and squeaked at the sting. I had to grit my teeth and get on with this so I bent forward somewhat and started smacking the brush down on alternate cheeks. Heavens did it sting. I don't think I did more than about ten smacks when I realised I was pulling my bottom forwards out of the way of the brush. I stopped.
Spanking myself was hard. I checked in the mirror and there was a nice big red patch on each bottom cheek and both patches were warm and stung. I guessed that Marion's bottom looked far worse than that and judging by her cries was far more painful. I had to try harder. I bent over again but a bit further this time and smacked the brush down hard on one cheek. It really hurt but I gritted my teeth and smacked the other cheek. I was determined to spank myself properly so I kept going... left and right. All my smacks were good and hard but the same thing happened again. I found I was sort of pulling my bottom away. Now my bottom really stung like mad and the two red patches looked angry and might even bruise.
Spanking myself was hard and I realised nothing like having someone else spank me. My bottom wouldn't be able to pull away if Sam spanked me and he would spank harder. I pushed it to the back of my mind and decided to worry about it later. Now I needed a shower where I found that the water cascading over my bottom re-awoke the stinging sensation. Marion's bottom must surely be worse!
When I went to breakfast Marion began to apologise but I stopped her. "Please don't. You were concerned about Sam and I understand that." She was, I am sure, about to tell me she had been corrected by Bill but then the kids came in and that was the end of that conversation.
After breakfast Sam came for me. There was much to discuss. I agreed that we should carry on living at the same house he had shared with Julie but there would be changes. We met with a builder who came up with plans to remodel the kitchen and bathrooms and redecorate the main bedroom. Then we went to the furniture workshop and chose all new bedroom furniture made of cherry. It was truly lovely and most beautifully made. The bed had both a headboard and a footboard; the latter was something I was to find had more than one use and one of them was not something I would enjoy.
Then the question of work came up. Sam wouldn't accept any money from me at all. He said his practice was such I need never work outside the home but it was my choice. Now I had done the successful career bit and at almost thirty I had no interest in starting a business or getting a job. I felt there had to be much as a wife and mother that I could explore and I wanted to be good at both.
In the afternoon Sam asked me if I would like to go out dancing that evening. Now as it happens I love dancing but few of the men I had been with ever did. I put on a dress with a fitted bodice and tight waist; it clung nicely to my bottom but flared out after that. I knew it made me look sexy without actually being immodest. Sam's gasp of delight when he saw me told me it had been a good choice. Well if I was going to marry him at least it was as well that he fancied me.
To my surprise he turned out to be a cracking good dancer, really light on his feet and a real 'take charge' kind of man. I gave no thought to my alcohol intake. When working it had been a hard drinking culture so I knocked back two beers in the breaks between dances without thought. It was when I asked for the third I got my first taste of what it meant to be a wife in a domestic discipline arrangement.
"No, I don't think so. You've had enough. You can have a soda or something non-alcoholic."
I was surprised. "Really? You're saying I can't have another beer?"
"Correct. Lots of other choices without alcohol."
"But I'm not affected. I can handle my booze."
"Maybe, but why drink until you are affected? You downed those pretty quick instead of enjoying them. Now it is time for a soda."
I stared at him. He was very mild indeed but I could see the steel in him. No way was he going to change his mind. I could try ordering a beer for myself, but I had a feeling he'd not hesitate to take me outside and, married or not, deliver some of the correction I'd heard last night. This was a test for me. Sam may not have thought of it that way but I did. If I was to be a submissive, obedient wife in a domestic discipline marriage I had to accept he was in charge. It was very hard indeed for me but I finally croaked out, "OK. I'll have a mineral water."
We danced until quite late and then decided we really had to get back. The sitter would want to go home to bed even if we didn't. It had been a wonderful eveni
ng for me and, I could tell, for him too. I hadn't done so much dancing in a long while and being with him had been a real pleasure. As he drove I told him so and he smiled and told me how much fun he'd had. Then he surprised me.
"You know I was real proud of you earlier this evening."
"It was the way you handled it when I told you that you couldn't have any more beer. It was hard for you not to argue or defy me but you managed it. I saw the struggle but you did it and there was no pouting or sulking. You got on and just enjoyed the rest of the evening."
I was embarrassed. Stupid things embarrass me and I seem to have no control over it. When I'd finished blushing and stammering I felt a need to tell him about my experiences at Bill and Marion's. First I told him about Marion's spanking. I did not tell him I had deliberately eavesdropped but that being in the next room I had heard it. It sounded like she was being spanked with something hard. It really worried me.
He laughed. "Different situation. Marion and Bill have been in that sort of relationship since they were married - going on twenty years now. Marion should have known better and that therefore earned her a serious correction. Bill uses a hairbrush. You are new to this and anyhow you're not hot headed like Marion. I told you, I'm a hand man first and foremost. I love Marion like a sister but she would try my patience I can tell you."
When we pulled up outside Marion and Bill's house I finally plucked up the courage to tell him about my self-spanking exercise. He began to laugh and kept right on. His whole body shook with laughter and I could see tears running down his cheeks. Finally, I thumped him hard on his arm. "It's not funny. That spanking of Marion's really freaked me out."
He stopped laughing immediately and took me in his arms. "I'm sorry. You're right it must have been frightening. Well that is what happens when you eavesdrop."