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A Real Man for Ruth: a mail order bride romance Page 2
A Real Man for Ruth: a mail order bride romance Read online
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We were married the next day in a beautiful new church built in the Gothic style. As I signed the register I realised I was now Mrs Ruth Masters, although of course we had yet to consummate our marriage. The thought of that made me very embarrassed. Although it was still daytime, Amos seemed eager for us to go to the hotel room. Sinead had told me, in a motherly way, that men are always eager to bed a woman so I wasn't surprised or offended... after all it was my duty as a wife. Truthfully, I was eager as well, although nervous, but tried to remain demure for I didn't want him to think badly of me. I'd heard rumours that it hurt the first time, but the girls who told me that were not girls I respected at all, so I didn't believe it. Anyway, since they weren't married how would they know any more than I did? To my surprise Amos had arranged for a bottle of wine to be delivered to our room.... yes, now it was our room not just mine.
"To my beautiful wife." He raised his glass.
I blushed. "I'm not beautiful, Amos."
He took my glass from me, cupped my face in his hands and kissed me. It was a real kiss, not just some dutiful thing, but a kiss which was so wonderful my whole body tingled.
"You are indeed beautiful and not just to me. I've seen the glances other men give you. Beautiful and brave to come all this way. I am indeed blessed to have you. Now let us drink to our marriage."
The wine made me feel stronger for what was to come and then Amos told me it was time for us to truly become man and wife. It didn't seem right to do so during the day but he was my husband after all; I went to walk behind the dressing-screen but Amos stopped me.
"We are husband and wife, Ruth. There is no shame or secret between us now. I'll have no false modesty in my marriage."
I went very hot indeed, although his words thrilled me, but I blurted out my worry. "Amos, I don't wear corsets."
He laughed. "Well thank the Good Lord for that. I've never understood why women wear the wretched things. Perhaps you can persuade Elizabeth out of them. No wait, let me help you out of that dress."
As soon as my dress was off he began kissing me again. It was somehow more urgent, more passionate, and I felt myself responding. I felt a bit ashamed of my feelings, but it seemed to please Amos, and that, after all, was my duty.
He released me and stepped back. His voice was very strange when he said, "You are lovely, really lovely." Then he began to take off his clothes and soon he was naked. I suppose I should have been shocked but I was just fascinated. He looked even stronger without his shirt on; his muscles were huge and his chest covered with hair. I had no idea that men had hair on their chests. I ran my hands over it in wonder and saw he was smiling at me. Then I glanced down and saw his male equipment. I had seen a baby's, but this was huge in comparison and seemed to be growing longer and thicker as I looked. I had thought my face hot already but now it really began to burn and I was ashamed of my reaction... truthfully I was very excited, which surely no decent girl should have been.
Amos began to touch me. He ran his hands over every part of my body, and I do mean every part. It made me go very hot with embarrassment as no man had ever done that before, but also it sent tingles through my whole body and I found I was breathing very hard. I could hardly understand my feelings never mind bear them; I thought I might explode.
"Come Ruth, I am naked in front of you, let us remove your underwear."
In my embarrassment I looked down and saw that his manhood had grown longer and harder and was now sticking out from his body and not hanging down. It looked positively huge to me and both frightened and excited me at the same time. To say I undressed wouldn't be true.... he undressed me, my shaking hands assisting only, and soon I was naked in front of him, unable to look anywhere but at the floor.
He began to kiss my breasts and suck a little at my nipples while rubbing his hands over my bottom. It was shocking, but immensely exciting, and I found myself quivering with the many feelings scalding through me. I put my hands around his shoulders and began to run my fingers through his hair.... this was my husband; it was such a thrilling thing to be naked with this man and for it to be right to do so. Then Amos stopped and led me to the bed. I got on to the bed and sat up on it wondering what would happen now. Did I get on all fours at this point?
He got on to the bed next to me and gently pushed me onto my back. I was quivering with nervousness and excitement but also unsure what was going to happen, but Amos just resumed kissing, stroking and sucking a little at my breast... everything he did sent tingles of sheer pleasure through my body; I had no idea this would be so wonderful. Then he did something that truly surprised me, he parted my legs and began to touch me in my most private place. I jerked away at first but he stilled me with a kiss and whispered reassurance and then moved his fingers back so gently I relaxed, and he began to stroke me down there. I whimpered with the exquisite feelings it produced in me, putting my head back on the pillows and shutting my eyes. This was a whole new pleasure.
He stopped and I opened my eyes to look at him. He was smiling at me so I felt I must be doing it right. He then moved my legs apart and the knees up a little, puzzling me as to what he was doing, but suddenly I realised, for he moved in between me, and I could see exactly what was going to happen next and my breathing quickened even more. His manhood was now even larger than earlier and stood up at a funny angle which meant he could put it inside me. I felt indecent in wanting him to do so.... I could hardly wait I was so excited, my breath coming in short gasps. He placed the tip at my opening and began to push into me most carefully. I opened my legs wider and watched him. He pushed in a little way and then pulled out and I was disappointed. Was that it? I looked at him, puzzled, and he smiled as he began pushing back in again. This time he went further in and I could watch no longer. I lay back and gave myself over to the very pleasant sensation.
He pushed in and out again, slowly each time, making me want more and more and then very suddenly he pushed right into me hard and deep. I gasped loudly. He looked at me anxiously and asked if he had hurt me.
"No, no," I whispered. "It's wonderful. Please don't stop."
He kept pushing in and pulling out but his weight was not uncomfortable at all. I loved the warmth and scent of him. He was a real man and I was enjoying being his wife. I put my hands on his shoulders and held onto him feeling the power of his body as he took me. His manhood felt huge inside me but so good I didn't want this to end. All the time he was getting faster and faster with his pushing and withdrawing until suddenly he shouted, "I can't hold it back," and really began to do it very hard, before suddenly groaning and going very still. Then he began short slow movements in and out and it dawned on me what had happened... he had left his seed inside me ... deep inside me.
Ruth was wonderful when we became man and wife for the first time. I was delighted with her, especially so as I had no experience with virgins and had expected all sorts of problems. She was nervous, unsure about what was to happen, but eager to please me, and I was able to mount and come into her without tears or distress on her part. She cuddled up to me afterwards, and I had so much pleasure from the way she clearly adored me, her husband of just an hour or so. There was something satisfying about knowing my seed was inside my wife and that maybe soon she would be with child. Obviously I wanted a son to build on what my father and I had achieved, but daughters too would be wonderful.
I went to pour more wine for us when Ruth gave a cry of distress. I had to smile, for it was just the liquid I had put in her coming out, with a little blood from her maidenhood. I reassured her that it was quite normal, but then she worried about the hotel staff, and I had to tell her firmly they would be far more curious if there was nothing on the sheets of a honeymoon couple. I then began to feel my normal urges coming back and I whispered to her, "Ruth, I would like to do that again."
Well she was immediately eager to do so and even began kissing me this time. I had such pleasure from her I was amazed. This was our first time together and,
although clearly an innocent in every way, she was eager to please me. When I came into her a second time I could feel her pleasure, but she had not had that exquisite pleasure I have sometimes felt in a woman. I felt a bit guilty at that and vowed that when we did it again I would go more slowly with her.
I had intended just to take her the twice and then we would bath and go to dinner, but she excited me so much I had to have her a third time. This time I went far more slowly aided by my earlier satisfaction. Ruth's response was staggering: it began slowly and then I could see she wasn't really with me anymore; her eyes were unfocussed, her lips parted and she was making such lovely noises and suddenly she wrapped her legs around me tightly. She was holding me like that when I felt her womanhood tighten around me in a huge spasm. She threw her head back and literally screamed. It was too much for me... I went right up over her and poured my seed into her for the third time with her legs holding me tightly.
When we had recovered, we bathed each other, thoroughly enjoying our intimacy. Ruth plucked up the courage to touch my manhood for the first time; it began to stiffen under her soft hand and I bade her stop, for we both needed something to eat. I told her to do it again later when we could enjoy each other again. She was still a little shy and nervous but so eager to learn and she did tell me why she came all this way; how she sought a 'real man' and believed she had now found one. I loved that strange mixture of courage and determination with girlish romance and naivety.
Chapter 3
Much later in the day we found a quiet place to dine and sat gazing at each other. I felt as if he was still inside me; it was a wonderful feeling and made me anxious for more. Truly I had been right to travel out here for I could not imagine Josiah Browning or Frank Ashcroft making me feel this way.
"Now Ruth, there is a matter I need to explain to you concerning your role and duties as a wife," said Amos. I looked attentive for I was eager to please him. "Colorado is not England, and although it is not as new as it once was, not all is settled. We still have problems with lawlessness in some places and although we are not pioneers there are dangers that you are not used to. Men have a duty to protect their women folk and families so women must mind what their men tell them. Wives must especially mind what their husbands say. You must be obedient to me; I have to be able to trust that you will do as you are told in an emergency so you must be obedient all of the time."
I could see he was serious and what he said made sense. "Is it like soldiers or sailors in battle, Amos?" I could see he was pleased.
"Yes, and just like those men, the obedience is not just for battle. It is in place all the time. In the same way you must not ever put yourself in danger. No saying to yourself that a place I have banned you from looks pretty and you'll just have a little look. If I have banned it, there is danger, and you must not put yourself in danger for I might not be close by. At all times be cautious." I told him I understood and again he looked pleased. "I am sure you understand that I do expect you to be respectful to me at all times, even if you are cross with me, which I am sure will happen sometimes. Equally I expect you to be honest with me in everything."
His words thrilled me. This was a real man talking; reasoned, but firm. He expected that I would be obedient, sensible to danger, respectful and honest. Naturally I agreed. What was not clear to me was what would happen if I broke any of those rules. That was something I discovered later.
I was extremely pleased with my new wife; she had taken so well to the pleasures of the marriage bed and when I began the difficult explanation about discipline she was quick to understand and accepted what I said without argument. I was delighted with her. The Good Lord had blessed me with his provision and I was falling in love with her, something I thought would never happen to me.
That put me in two minds about the weekly discipline I used with Elizabeth. I had acted on advice and it had worked well with my sister, preventing more serious problems and chastisements, but was it necessary with Ruth? She was after all on her best behaviour, and trying hard to please me, but women can very quickly become difficult. I wondered perhaps if I just spanked her with my hand rather than the hairbrush I used on Elizabeth that would suffice. It really was a difficult decision but finally I decided it was better to establish firm discipline at the outset rather than to wait until she did something wrong. It seemed such a shame to raise that now, when we were enjoying ourselves, so I postponed it until I would do it for the first time.
Our few days in Denver were wonderful; Ruth was an eager bride and our regular union was rewarding for both of us. Apart from the first two times I took her, I was able to give her that exquisite pleasure nearly every time. She was intelligent and we talked about everything imaginable and I could not have been more pleased with her. The time came when I must take her home to meet my household and of course the neighbours. It is not a short journey, but Ruth made no complaint at any point, and as we approached home she exclaimed over how attractive it all looked.
I was extremely nervous about meeting the women in the household for I know just how unpleasant other women can be. There were no men, other than Amos, for they all lived in a completely separate bunkhouse which wasn't even visible from the main house. Elizabeth was Amos' younger sister - eighteen years old and in his words, 'a handful'. She looked very wary of me but was undoubtedly a pretty girl with a bright intelligent look about her.
"Oh Elizabeth, what a pretty girl you are. Amos told me you were but just not how pretty. I hope you won't mind, but I am going to have to lean on you for a while; I am new to this country, new to being a wife and new to this household. You won't mind guiding me when I am uncertain, will you?"
It was the right introduction for I saw her relax quite visibly and she was all smiles and helpfulness after that. She took me and introduced me to Martha, who was a woman of colour, and I would judge to be at least fifty; she was plump, with a strong face, and I knew she had once been a slave, something I just couldn't imagine. How terrible and wrong to be someone's property.
She dropped me a curtsy and said, "Welcome Mrs Masters, I am sure you will be very happy here." She spoke in a very proper way although with an accent strange to me. I had heard she had worked in a great house, which explained her speech.
I had thought a lot about this on the way from Denver and now I made my stand on the issue. "Thank you Martha, but I would prefer that you call me Ruth."
She looked genuinely shocked. "I cannot do that Ma'am, it wouldn't be fitting."
"Martha, you are older than me, and have had experiences I cannot even imagine. I have travelled from the old world to the new and not stopped there but come to the very edge of that new world. I have not done so to bring the customs of the old into this new place. In ten years it will be a new century. This is just the very place and time to bring new ideas and new customs. I would take it as the very greatest favour if you would join with me in creating new customs and call me Ruth."
She stared at me for a long time and then smiled, curtsied and said, "Very well Ruth."
I think she would have said more but her old mind-set held her back. Elizabeth and Martha introduced me to Annie, a small slight girl who was very nervous. I was gentle and quiet with her for Amos had told me he bought her... yes bought her. The man who claimed to be her father was a brute who treated her badly, beating her with fists and boots. When Amos objected, her father offered to sell her to Amos; so he bought her, but only to free her from her brutal father and not as a possession. She worked in his household learning all the time from the capable Martha. I asked Amos how old she was and he told me that she was probably eighteen or nineteen but possibly younger or older, but beyond that nobody knew.
I don't remember much about that first day in the house. Elizabeth helped me unpack and I liked her... it was clear we would be good friends. I was shown around the house which was two storeys and faced with board, painted white with a large porch all along th
e front. The vegetable garden was hardly developed at all but what there was of it was Martha's initiative and work. She seemed pleased when I said I would like to do more with it. Amos held family prayers in the evening and then it was time for bed.
The bed was a metal frame with a mattress on top. The framing was shiny black with brass finials and decoration. I thought it looked very handsome. Elizabeth had made the room pretty for me and even put some flowers in a vase, so it wasn't the austere manly sort of room that doubtless Amos would have had. That first night Amos wouldn't let me put a nightdress on... he gently made me get on my back on the bed and I parted my legs for him. I always felt ready and eager to give myself to him. He began by kissing and nuzzling my breasts which I loved and I whispered my secret folly to him.
"I thought I might have to get on all fours for you to have me. I was so ignorant of the ways of the marriage bed."
He smiled at me. "We can do it like that. Would you like to try?"
A wave of quite shocking desire washed over me. It seemed so indecent but I longed to do it... to be so submissive to him in that way. I nodded, my face burning, but he didn't make me go on all fours exactly. He made me get out of bed and stand on the floor and bend over the bed putting my head right down touching the mattress with my forearms resting alongside. I should have felt ashamed but I didn't. I just felt very excited and eager for him. I felt his stiff manhood on my bottom and I parted myself even more to give him access and then he was pushing slowly into me. I gasped with pleasure... he began pushing in and out very slowly while leaning over me, holding my breasts and playing with my nipples. An intense excitement went through me that was almost painful and I cried out as my whole body felt as if it convulsed. Amos gave no sign he noticed and pushed in and out no faster... he just kept on doing the same thing and gently pleasuring my breasts until I felt the excitement building up in me again, but slowly. Suddenly it exploded in me and I screamed, convulsing and writhing with its intensity. Amos paused and began nuzzling my neck. After a while he began to push in and out again but this time harder and faster... he went on and on and I felt the intense excitement building inside me again, and then suddenly my excitement coincided with his and he was spurting his seed into me at the same time as I screamed out louder than ever before. We collapsed onto the bed. I had never experienced anything like that in my life, and I seemed to have pleased Amos very much indeed.