Alice's Education: strict discipline in a girls' college Read online

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  When had finished his discussion in the room he came out and told the girls to get in a line in front of him. "Now all turn around and then lean forward and put your hands on your knees."

  The other girls stood in the doorway to their rooms watching fascinated at what he was going to do.

  "When I have finished, go out of the house. Use the swimming pool, gym, basketball court or just mess around in the grounds and do not come back until you are told; it is most unfair to these others to disturb their interviews."

  He then walked along the line giving each girl four hard swats on her bottom. Rubbing their bottoms they held a quick quiet conference and without another word went and got swimming costumes and towels and left for the pool. They were the only ones in the pool to begin though the others from their house joined them one by one. They messed around, behaving as exactly what they were... excited teenagers. The only differences you might have noticed between that and any public pool was there were no boys to flirt with and all the girls showed evidence of a recent spanking.

  All the girls knew that Mark hadn't really got the authority to make them stand with their hands on their head and then swat them like he had, but who was going to complain? They had been noisy and inconsiderate and a lady supervisor would have been much more severe.


  That evening after the meal, Mark sat in his study dissatisfied with himself. It was that Alice girl disturbing his mind. No other girl had caused him this much worry before, not even that wretched Charlene girl, a senior who had quit last year. She had stormed out objecting to being spanked for gross impertinence to at least three members of the teaching staff, and had gone off to live with a most unsuitable man. Her parents had been distraught but she was an adult and there was little anyone could do.

  Mark knew that his position as house supervisor was an honored one and gave him the opportunity he needed to work on his doctorate and his book. For obvious reasons the college had to be extremely careful in appointing a man to the position; men were preferred in fact, not least by the girls. They were reckoned to be less fussy or nit-picking and more restrained in their discipline but care in appointment was needed. To be one of the men appointed was a great honor but Mark felt he had let himself down with Alice. He had conducted that ridiculous and embarrassing room search and even patted her bottom to signal she should get off his knee. That was not acceptable. Luckily Alice had said nothing but that wasn't the point.

  He was also concerned she had played him in her interview. She was calling him Sir Mark and had made him feel it was just cultural differences, but now he wasn't so sure. Was she really up to something and just being clever? She disturbed him and his thoughts constantly but for the life of him he couldn't work out why.


  The following day the freshmen were scheduled to begin their classes. Of course, as with any academic institution, a great deal of those first meetings was simply a form of administration. Alice was pleased to find Zoe, Kathleen and Melissa were taking some of the same classes as she was and they sat together. It was clear to Alice that for whatever reason, the elegant Zoe wanted Alice to be her friend. Alice had no objections whatsoever; back home her circumstances had prevented her from making or keeping friends. Also she had not had any real boyfriends. Choosing the Charnock Amos Jones College for Young Women had not been impulsive or taken lightly and to find that she had already got a friend was to her a sign she had made the right choice. Now, however, she and all the girls in her house, were treading on metaphorical egg shells in order to avoid getting spanked, as they were all aware that one slip and they would be over Mark's knee.

  All teachers know that every class they take is different. Politicians don't know that of course, they think children and students are peas in a pod and may be treated exactly the same, making progress at exactly the same rate. As for the girls in many classes, whatever the age, there are sadly those who may be described as bitches - being catty, cruel and manipulative of others; someone is always on the receiving end of their nastiness and cast into the outer darkness of unpopularity. Even the Christian college of Charnock Amos Jones was not totally free from such behavior. When a group of girls is free of that it is heavenly... they are a real joy to teach no matter how poor their ability. Mark's new house, though he was not yet aware of it, was one such group of lovely girls. They were in different ways, kind, generous and extremely friendly. For Alice this was a wonderful relief.

  The reality of life for the students at the Charnock Amos Jones College for young Women was that they were held accountable for their actions all the time. If they were late, slacked off, rude or in general did not behave to the high standards set for young Christian women by the late Rev Jones then they were disciplined. It was not regarded in quite the same way the world regards such matters. In fact the student manual puts it rather well, "The young Christian woman welcomes Godly corporal correction. Her humble submission to it is a matter for great rejoicing in the college and the wider church." Alice wasn't at all sure she welcomed it, and she couldn't have cared less whether there was rejoicing elsewhere or not, but she had accepted that it was part of life at the college.

  It was not to be very long before she was experiencing it again. When the other students arrived back after their summer break everywhere became much more crowded. Alice did not take this into account at breakfast. She arrived after the morning chapel service and wasn't late but found the queue at the cafeteria style service much longer than in the first week. It delayed her going back to her room to clean her teeth and collect her things. The corridors were crowded and that delayed her again. She was late to Mrs. Liang's class. Mrs. Liang was of Chinese extraction and known to be a fiercely strict disciplinarian.

  "Miss Watson, you are late to my class. I shall report you to your supervisor. Sit down quickly."

  Discipline was handled by the supervisors in weekly reviews conducted in the evenings after the meal. All students in all years dreaded the weekly meeting as we all do having to account in detail for our work and behavior. Anything major would of course be picked up straight away but the little things that mount just got added to the review. Mark's system was to require the girls prepare for bed straight after their meal. This was because with ten students it often took all of the time between meal and lights out to complete the reviews. He didn't expect the girls to go to bed if it wasn't lights out when he finished with them but being ready meant the last ones could do so without fuss.

  The first review had been a brief affair... no girl had anything more than a mild hand spanking and Alice didn't even get that. She had not trodden on any egg shells. She knew first of all that she had been late to Mrs. Liang's class and she also knew that she wasn't doing very well in that class. It was a psychology class, something Alice had never studied before and the teacher seemed more than dissatisfied with everything she did or said.

  As Alice got ready for bed she began to feel quite sick. This weekly review meeting seemed worse to her than anything that had happened so far. She put on some modest pyjamas and felt very vulnerable... she wore no bra or panties underneath as at home she had never worn anything at all to bed. She pulled a dressing gown over the top and did up the tie tightly. Barely had she done that when there was a knock at the door and Mark was there. He was going alphabetically by first name this time.

  "Good evening Alice."

  "Good evening Sir Mark."

  Mark frowned but said nothing. It upset him the way Alice wouldn't call him just Mark. "How do you feel it has been going this last week?"

  "Not too bad. I was late to Mrs. Liang's class unfortunately. I didn't expect it to be so busy when all the other years came back. Otherwise I think OK."

  "Yes, seven minutes late when you swiped your card at the door to Mrs. Liang's class. She was very annoyed and I have to say it does not speak of a serious Charnock Amos Jones student. It is casual and unsatisfactory to be that late."

  "I'm sorry sir."

/>   Mark sighed at yet another sir but carried on. "So I checked the computer logs for every time you used your card key. You weren't late for any meal or any other class but I analyzed how close you were to the deadline. You were often just twenty seconds or so from being late. Twenty seconds! No wonder your teacher at high school called you ‘The Late Alice Watson’.

  "I'm really sorry sir I'll try and improve."

  "Yes you will, and I will run through a simple strategy after your discipline. There are two issues: one is that you were actually late and the other that you are sailing close too close to the wind the whole time. I shall address both issues. That twenty second margin is poor and I shall spank you with my hand for that. The second is that seven minutes and that has earned you a session with my hairbrush."

  Alice felt overwhelmed; perhaps it was being in pyjamas that caused it but her eyes filled up although she said nothing. Mark continued.

  "Now I know that a week is nothing against a whole year but the teachers all grade your performance during each week. It is based on response in class, any test, written work and so on. Mrs. Liang's assessment of you in the week just completed is a C which is well below the A target I set you and if continued would result in a serious discipline at the end of the year."

  "I don't think Mrs. Liang likes me."

  "I suspect it is that you don't like Mrs. Liang. Well I'm sorry Alice you are not a child; adults have to work with many people they don't like but they still have to do their jobs properly. I shall be using my belt to reinforce your need to work hard regardless of personal feelings."

  Alice gasped. "You're going to spank me three times?"

  "Yes I am. All well within college guidelines. You know what the Rev Jones believed in and you signed up for it. It has been proven to work since 1910. Our girls leave as highly disciplined young women and often achieve far beyond expectation. You're a very intelligent young lady, the sky is the limit for you."

  Slow silent tears trickled down Alice's face. She didn't understand why but she simply couldn't cope with it all tonight. Mark went and sat on the hard chair that Alice had put out in the middle (that had always to be done even if the girl didn't end up getting spanked).

  "Come on Alice, get that gown off and get into position."

  Alice slowly undid her dressing gown and put it on her bed. She walked over to Mark's right side and there she simply stood still.

  "Alice come on, we have a lot to get through. Get your pyjama pants down."

  Chapter 5

  Modesty is important for the young Christian woman. She should be modest in every way; thought, deed, speech and appearance. However, she should not flinch from baring herself for her correction as this is not immodesty. - Rev Charnock Amos Jones, lecture to the first intake of the Charnock Amos Jones College for Young Women, 1910.

  Alice had no idea what was wrong with her but she simply couldn't bring herself to pull her pajama bottoms down and go over his lap. In order to preserve her modesty as she saw it she would have to dive over and she simply couldn't summon the energy.

  "I can't," she wailed.

  Mark looked at her bewildered. He didn't understand Alice, but she had shown no resistance to being spanked during the induction period. He was one of the supervisors who believed in hugging or cuddling the girls at various times but especially around a spanking. Not in a sexual way of course, but in a paternal or fraternal manner to reassure the girl that she might need discipline but it wasn't uncaring or cold. He had been diffident about hugging Alice for reasons he simply didn't understand. Now he felt that it was essential if Alice wasn't going to spiral herself into leaving the college. He stood up and put out his arms to hug her.

  For one brief moment Alice shied away from him but then let him hold her. He sensed a slight resistance for a moment which was something else he didn't understand; most of the girls liked that physical reassurance that their discipline was caring. Even when she let him hug her properly there was a strange sensation about it that he still didn't understand.

  "Alice, I know being disciplined is unpleasant and it must be embarrassing for you but you don't want to leave do you? I am sure that is right isn't it?" Alice nodded her reply. "Well would you like me to pull your pants down?" She looked horrified and he quickly added with a smile, "After you are across my lap, just as far as is necessary." She nodded again.

  Mark let her go and sat down helping her into position across his lap. He delicately tugged her pajama bottoms down enough to expose her cheeks and began to administer the dose of eighteen good hard smacks to serve as a warning she was cutting her time keeping far too fine.

  With every hard smack Mark told her off, lecturing her constantly as his hand smacked down making her bottom bounce and her legs kick. Alice felt as if every smack of his hand was terrible and her body jerked this way and that. She began to cry helplessly, almost uncontrollably, and Mark stopped telling her off. He was puzzled, Alice hadn't behaved like this the first times she was spanked. When he had given her all eighteen of his hard smacks her bottom was good and red as it should be.

  Alice went to get up when the hand spanking was over. She was crying far more than she had before and that also puzzled Mark as she really had taken her original spankings quite well given she was new to corporal correction.

  "No Alice we have the hairbrush now, remember."

  Alice gave a great gulping sob but put herself back in position and Mark picked up the hairbrush from the floor and began his usual fast and furious one minute spanking. Alice began screaming at the first smack of the brush on her bottom. The sting of the hairbrush was fierce and all the girls hated it but now Alice felt as if it was unbearable, as if Mark's hand was molten lava and he was beating her with it. She hadn't gripped the chair leg as she had been advised to do the first time and now her free hand shot back to protect her bottom.

  "Take the hand away Alice, that is one extra with the belt."

  Alice gave a gulping sob and removed her hand but after the very next smack of the brush her hand shot back again.

  "Take it away Alice. That is now two extras with the belt."

  Alice failed to remove her hand and Mark sounded impatient, "Three extra." The hand withdrew and Mark cracked the hairbrush down again on her bottom, irritated that his normally fast smooth rhythm had been broken. Again Alice's hand shot back and now he was really puzzled. Alice was a calm collected person, this wasn't her, this was more Melissa. He didn't know what was wrong with her, but this was ridiculous and he just seized her hand and held it against her back and carried on spanking her bottom hard.

  His brush bounced on her bottom causing Alice to jerk around wailing and screaming at every smack. He sighed with relief when he had finished, having given some extra time because of the delays. He tugged her pajama pants up over her well spanked bottom and eased her back on her feet.

  Alice said nothing to him, she simply went to her wall and lent against it sobbing and holding her bottom with one hand. He left her there for a while mulling over all the oddities there were with this girl including this very odd reaction he was seeing.

  When she had quietened down he said quietly, "Time for the belt now Alice. It was to be ten as a stimulus to improving this week's C assessment from Mrs. Liang but you shielded yourself during your hairbrush spanking and earned three extras, though really I should make it more as I had to hold your hand. However, I'll leave it at three provided you take the belt without any nonsense."

  The look Alice gave him troubled him. It was almost despair. She was giving the impression of a girl who simply couldn't cope. However, she sighed and made a big effort to walk to the chair. She pulled her pajama bottoms down and bent over it. This wasn't actually something she had done before but it wasn't hard and had been described by older students who liked to show off by giving good advice.

  "Take a firm hold of the seat, don't turn your head to look at your supervisor, just look at the seat and hold on tight. It isn't that bad... you'll be OK

  Mark pulled the belt from the loops in his pants. The lady supervisors all carried them if they needed them but the men wore them. He doubled it with the buckle in his hand, took up a good position and whipped the belt down across Alice's bottom. She screeched and leapt up holding her bottom tightly. He was shocked... even Melissa managed to take the belt without leaping up. What had got into the girl? Was she taking medication or illicit drugs or something?

  "That is now four extra Alice... you must stay down. I will count that but I am adding one on and if you don't stay down there will be more."

  Alice bent over again and began panting loudly which almost unnerved him at first but he whipped the belt down hard on her bottom and she screeched loudly again wriggling her bottom and stamping her foot which meant he was delayed giving her the next. It irritated him to lose his rhythm though he kept calm. To him her bottom looked no worse than any other girl he had disciplined like this and her first spankings had been taken well, so what was going on?

  He whipped the belt down again across her bottom and the crack of the punishing blow echoed around the room. Again Alice screeched loudly and made so much movement he was delayed. The quick ten with the belt he had intended became very slow and was ultimately sixteen because Alice jumped up twice more. Mark was tired and angry by the time he had finished disciplining her. Yes her bottom was satisfactorily red and marked and she would sit uncomfortably. But what a marathon. He stalked out, relieved to be done with her.

  It was only when he was out he realized he hadn't outlined a simple strategy for not being late. He couldn't face going back so later that night he sent her an email with his strategy laid out. In essence it was a simple counting back method. Start with the time you must be somewhere and lay out all the activities needed to get you there. Time each one and add a generous margin for problems and whatever time you have then is when you need to start getting ready.