A Return to High School Page 3
An arm slipped around my shoulder. "What's the matter, Karen?"
It was dad.
"Look at it," I wailed. "I can't do any of this, I am really going to flounder at school."
"Don't eat the whole elephant in one go."
"Don't look at all the pages further in, just look at the first page. Now let's see if we can sort that out."
He was brilliant with me. Soon he had me working and after that I spent as much time as possible plowing through the books. If I got stuck I waited until he got home and he helped me. I realized Sam and Mary Wheeler were brilliant parents; they really should have had their own kids. Strict they might be, but I'm not so sure that strict isn't the best way to go whatever the experts may say.
I floundered all over again at school. The local high school was super strict, and the principal stalked the corridors ensuring everyone behaved and hurried to their next class. I struggled with it all. Even with mom and dad being strict, the relentless discipline at school with "Yes Ma'am" or "Yes Sir" every five minutes got me down. I struggled too with the time keeping. It didn't take long before I had three tardy notes. Three tardies meant a visit either to the principal or the vice-principal, depending on who was available. I drew Principal Fagan. He was a very big man with a big gut, a big voice and zero tolerance for any teenage misbehavior. I waited in an outer office as another girl had gone in just ahead of me. She was a senior I vaguely knew, an attractive girl that I was sure must already be eighteen.
I heard a sound from inside which is hard to describe but I guessed was a whack from a paddle. I heard a yelp from the girl. That would be me very soon and it made my stomach lurch. Then another whack and a much louder and longer yelping sound. Another and this time the sound she made was more of a wail.
Finally, the door opened and she came out walking very stiffly indeed with her hands twitching as if anxious to hold her bottom but reluctant to do so. Her face was stiff with a forced smile that anyone could see was only for effect. I walked into the room filled with the tension of her paddling.
"A tardy shows a sloppy attitude to school. Are you a sloppy girl, Karen?"
"No, Sir. I just haven't been at school and I am finding it hard."
"Well you're going to have to shape up real quick young lady or you'll be seeing a lot of me. Do you want to see a lot of me?"
I was so tempted to say, "There's a lot of you to see," but luckily my good sense stopped me. Instead I said, "No, Sir. I'll do better, Sir."
"Good, that is the right attitude. Now there is a mandatory sanction for getting three tardy notices. What is it, Karen?"
Mom had made me read the manual and I snapped back my reply. "Three swats, Sir."
"Good. Do you want a female witness?"
No, I just wanted to get on with it. I was curious about what it was like getting the paddle, but my spankings at home had cured me of any stupid idea that it was exciting. Remember, I had never been paddled in my life before and now found it quite a strange experience.
He told me to put my feet on a mark on the office floor and bend over and put my hands on his desk. I had to shuffle my feet apart a bit, I'm really not sure why, and was left in a very bent, spread and utterly vulnerable position. I was very glad I was wearing leggings and not a short skirt, but even so the leggings were thin and my panties skimpy.
The first swat when it came was such a force it rocked me forward in spite of my hands being braced against his desk. "Uh Uh!" I gasped in spite of myself, as much because of the force of the blow as anything. At first it simply felt as if my whole bottom had gone numb but there was no second swat and abruptly my butt began stinging with a deep forceful sensation that seemed to penetrate everywhere.
Whap! Another swat and again it made me rock with its sheer force. This time I squealed... not very loudly but enough to embarrass myself. A deeply unpleasant numbness followed, overlaid with a painful stinging that got much worse after the brief numbness passed. I took deep breaths, thankful it was only three - some infractions got you a six.
Whap! Now that one had me move a fair bit, not from the force but the effect it had on my bottom. The huge numbness was immediately followed by an intense burning throb that went right through me. It wrung another restrained squeal from me. I wriggled a fair bit but that was it, my three swats were done. I wasn't at all sure how I'd cope with six.
I stood and found my eyes were very wet, any more swats and I might have been crying. Holding my butt wasn't an option in the office... too, too humiliating... but I felt as if my whole bottom was one huge throbbing burn. The school gave me a notification of 'corporal correction' which I had to take home and get signed. I knew what that meant as mom and dad had already made that clear before school started. I was going to get spanked. Not paddled again just spanked, not that that was an easy option. Getting spanked on your bare bottom even if it is just with a hand is not amusing.
I dutifully handed over my notification to mom when I got home, and she was disapproving but very kind. She didn't lecture me or anything, just gave me a hug and warned me that when dad got home I would get spanked. I was impressed with him when he read the notification. He didn't lecture, rant or shout, but questioned me about why I had three tardies. I told him I was struggling with the school routines and he helped me work out strategies to cope. I was still getting spanked though.
"Well, Karen, you know the rule we set, spanked at school means spanked at home. I guess you're still sore though, do you want to wait until bedtime?"
My butt still had this throbbing sting, or was it a burn? I just couldn't work it out but it wasn't pleasant, just not as acute as it had been. There were marks on my bottom right in the centre of each cheek, and I guessed I would feel those when I sat down for a day or two. Altogether, not an awful experience, but not pleasant. If I waited until bedtime it might have calmed down some more so I deferred it and got on with schoolwork.
Bedtime eventually arrived with dad's strict lights out at 10:30. Mom had banned my old T-shirt that I wore to bed. It now had to be pajamas or a proper nightdress, so I got ready for bed and put on a mid-length nightdress. Dad arrived and sat down on the bed. I knew the routine now but it didn't make being put over his knee and spanked any easier. I hitched my nightdress up around my waist and placed myself over his lap, my upper body on the bed and my feet dangling down to the floor.
"Wow! Only three swats, Karen. Boy, your principal delivers a heck of a swat." I felt his hand on my bottom cheeks. "You've some grand old bruises here in the centre of each cheek."
Bruised I might have been but dad carried right on in with the spanking. His hand smacked down hard right on the centre of my right cheek and it hurt a lot more than any other spanking I'd had. It was downhill after that. Being spanked on a paddled bottom is not good and he had me wriggling and writhing across his lap very quickly. Each stinging smack of his hand seemed to aggravate the bruise wherever it landed. As the smacks multiplied, each smack also ignited the earlier smacks until he had my legs kicking and my hands flailing around, gripping the bedding. Dad spanked me just as hard and long as any other spanking he gave; he wasn't unreasonable, he'd been told to be strict, and I could now see that even if my reasons were wrong, the strictness was right. I deserved this spanking. I was 23, and I should be able to handle high school... right? Finally, I burst into tears and he stopped, then to my astonishment he hauled me up onto his lap and held me tight. It was the first time he'd done that.
"OK, Karen, you've had your spanking but I will make sure I help you get into routine. We'll make sure there isn't a second paddling."
He did as he promised and soon I was wondering why I'd gotten so stressed out. Everything fell into place and my grades started going up and they were really good; teachers started to notice me and I began to feel good about my plan after all. Then Crystal and I made the swimming team. We weren't really a strong team but we began to train hard and with work and training I really had very little to
get me into trouble. When I did, it was Crystal who got me there.
Crystal wanted me to go with her to a party which she thought was going to be 'great' but which I thought was probably going to be a lot of teenagers drinking, smoking, groping each other and posing like mad, but I was pretending to be sixteen so felt I had to go along with it. We both got an extension to our curfew to the dizzy hour of 11 pm, but when Mom saw the miniskirt Crystal wanted me to wear she hit the roof.
"You will not wear that, Karen. It is disgusting; you'll be showing your panties the whole time."
She selected something for me from my wardrobe and, honestly, I would have been content to wear it, but Crystal was not. I had to smuggle the miniskirt (actually micro is better) out, and when Dad took me to her house (which is way over the other side of town) I had it with me and changed into it at her house. Her boyfriend who was in twelfth grade was picking us up and had promised to get us back by curfew time. I wasn't so sure and took plenty of money for a taxi.
The party was way out in the sticks and not an adult chaperone in sight. Worse still, there was no cell phone reception and way too much booze, especially given the age of the kids. Then later it got invaded by a group of loud, rude college guys. Frankly, it was not nice. Crystal's boyfriend was smoking something and was out of it, and Crystal started to look scared as loud guy after loud guy started hitting on her. I got separated for a while but I can handle myself and after a while got within sight of Crystal.
She looked close to tears and was panicking. A large, loud college type was not taking no for an answer and hustling her into a side room. No prizes for guessing what he had in mind. Crystal was pleading with him, but he was ignoring her. Time for Karen to get involved.
"Leave her be. She said no to you."
"Fuck off you nosey bitch."
He'd clearly had too much booze, and was an arrogant bully anyway. He grabbed my wrist, possibly to turn me around and send me off, but I pulled my arm in tight and rolled it over his so my wrist was free, and then I stepped in fast and brought the heel of my hand straight up hard under his nose and he reeled back, blood spurting. Just for good measure, I kicked him hard in the testicles and he went down. I grabbed Crystal and we shoved our way past everyone out into the front yard. There were two seniors there we vaguely knew and I shouted, "Can you get us out of here?"
It wasn't quite a case of frying pan to fire but it wasn't good. They were under the influence of something and were as mad as it gets. The driver drove fast and erratically, giggling and laughing all the while. They were doing handbrake turns and stuff that had my stomach lurching and had Crystal screaming her head off. I could see that she was at the end of her tether and I had to get it to end, but how? Luck was on our side. The driver lost control and the car spun, but he managed to get it to stop right opposite a taxi just delivering an old lady to a nice-looking house in a quiet road.
I opened the car door shouting, "Door open," and pulled Crystal out with me. I yelled at the taxi driver to wait, and pulling Crystal along, got to the taxi.
"They're on something and scaring my friend. Are you free to get us home? I have money."
He stepped towards the seniors in the car clearly with violence in his mind, but they drove off at speed.
"OK, honey, where to?"
I looked at the time. It was getting close to eleven and Crystal would get a real hard spanking if she were late. Well so would I but she'd had enough tonight so I gave Crystal's address and asked him to get her there by eleven.
"Curfew ends?"
"Yes and she gets spanked if she is late."
He got her there with one minute to spare, and Crystal kissed me and told me she owed me.
"OK, home for you too?"
I gave him the address and he asked as we set off, "When is your curfew?"
"It just passed and yes, to answer your next question, I shall be sleeping on my tummy tonight."
He gave me a hard look and then said, "You're a real nice girl."
It took fifteen minutes and I knew my super-strict parents would not accept any excuses, they had made that clear. I got reception while in the taxi but it was pointless phoning then, it might even make it worse. I gave him his fare and a good tip and he wished me luck, hoping I wouldn't get too many licks.
"Karen, I am most disappointed in you. You promised to be back on time and I see you're wearing your miniskirt that you were specifically told not to. You also made no attempt to phone. It's a belt licking for you, young lady."
I didn't argue, what was the point, it wouldn't change the spanking I was going to get... a double spanking for sure: one for the curfew violation and one for the miniskirt. Dad was about to march me off to my bedroom to administer my spanking when the phone rang. Dad answered as Mom sat looking very unhappy.
"Yes I am. I see... Karen did that. How? Great job. Yes I understand. No, I'll certainly take that into account when dealing with her. Thank you for phoning me."
We were looking at him wondering who it was with my bottom tingling in anticipation of what was to come.
"That was Crystal's father. It seems you are a bit of a heroine and rescued her, even laying out some college guy, and made sure she got home in time to meet her curfew. He says you had no reception."
"Yeah well, it was the party from hell. It got invaded by a load of college guys. There was no reception and a drunk guy... well he was trying to drag her off. I had no choice. He'll be sore right now. It wasn't fun at all, especially for Crystal. Getting the taxi was luck."
"Mmmm, well in the circumstances being late home is understandable and I think we must waive the spanking for that."
I breathed a sigh of relief and kept very quiet about the miniskirt.
Mom chipped in. "But there is the miniskirt, Karen. Don't think I don't see what you got up to... I did much the same when I was your age and my dad made me regret it."
Dad looked unsure. "Well, Karen, what would you do if you were in my position?"
I thought for a moment how very stupid I'd been going along with Crystal's juvenile schemes, I sighed and said, "I'd use your belt, Dad. Maybe then I wouldn't be so very stupid next time."
They looked surprised but decided to do it, and the three of us marched off to my bedroom. As I took off my skirt and panties, I wondered just what on earth had made me say such a stupid thing. Mom used two pillows and put them at the end of the bed. I had to put my tummy on those and my feet on the floor with the rest of me on the bed. I buried my head in the bedclothes and gripped hard with my hands - this was going to hurt.
Dad had a thick heavy belt which he didn't actually wear. It was for use on me. His father used a belt when he was a teenager and so had Mom's parents so they believed in it. I could hear him behind me and knew what he was doing. The buckle went in his hand and he wound the belt around once then brought the end up to also hold in his hand. That way the belt was doubled.
"OK, Karen. You disobeyed your mom about the miniskirt and that is what this is for. I am only giving you twelve licks as you've had such a good attitude."
The belt cracked hard down across my bare bottom and I quite literally bucked when it did. That thing hurt! My bottom felt as if a line of fire had been laid down over it and I yelped loudly. Each and every time that belt whipped down on my bottom, I did my earthquake impression and bucked up or writhed, accompanied by a shrill squealing yelp. I couldn't help it. Only twelve! That might be funny except when Crystal got a belt whipping she always got her age - currently sixteen. By the time that twelfth one whipped down hard on my butt, I thought it was on fire and throbbing into the bargain. If you want to really punish a teenage girl I recommend this method! When I was told it was over, I got up but couldn't stand still. I sort of wriggled and shifted around clutching my bum and craning my head around to look at the marks.
Mom and Dad were lovely to me... I got hugs and cuddles, and they told me how proud they were of the way I'd looked after Crystal and put her first. It was their lovin
g attitude more than the belt that made me cry... I'd not experienced that sort of parental loving for many years. I did feel a bit guilty though because I wasn't being unselfish about Crystal at all. In reality, I was twenty-three and Crystal a silly sixteen... I was just being a sort of older sister. Lovely they may have been, but I still had to go and stand in the corner for five minutes and explain why I got spanked afterwards.
"Well it was deceitful. I was mad to go along with Crystal's scheme. I knew it was idiotic. I wanted you to use that belt so I'd never be tempted to do that again."
That night in bed, with my bottom sore and throbbing in nasty little pulses, I thought I really needed to get a car. My 'parents' had been told there was a trust fund paying for everything, but they didn't know I had full control of it, just people to sort it for me. So money would be no problem but I had to get a license.
I lay in bed rubbing my butt and thinking it through. At sixteen there was no problem with getting a license but there were restrictions. I could only have one passenger and there was a ban on night-time driving, but since my curfew was well within the hours it made no difference.
In fact, Mom and Dad were a bit sticky about me getting a car. It wasn't the money that bothered them, it was the danger of stupidity on my part or by others. They pointed out that school was only ten minutes' walk and if I couldn't use my legs at my age it was a sad state of affairs. In the end, though, they agreed. They set a perimeter around the town and I wasn't to drive out of that area. No using the car for school. I must never drink and drive. I must obey all traffic regulations and so on. Promises of banning the car and applying a belt to my butt if I broke any rules were made in serious tones. I resented none of it... I loved the being cared for bit. In the end they approved a small used car with low mileage that one of the guys from Dad's work checked over for us. Given I could have bought any car I liked, I was pleased with my own restraint.