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Sally's Journey: ... into domestic discipline Page 4

  He was very calm, and spoke quietly, but I knew instantly I was in trouble. I tried prevarication. "I thought you liked the plan I showed you Sam."

  He gave me the sort of look my father used to give when I tried to avoid a question. When I was young, I used to know that when dad gave me that look that I should stop digging. Stupidly I tried again. "I'm not sure what you mean, Sam. I thought you'd be pleased."


  The warning in his voice was unmistakable and I knew better than to ignore it. "Well, I didn't want to wait."

  "Sally, I'll ask one more time. What did I tell you about moving this furniture?"

  I knew I had to answer truthfully and in a resigned tone I replied, "You told me to leave it to you and your friends to do on Saturday."

  "Correct. Now you put yourself at risk quite unnecessarily and you were disobedient. That is something we will discuss later when Lily is asleep in bed."

  Chapter 4

  I was in a whirlpool of different emotions after Sam's announcement. 'Discuss' in the community's language meant I was getting a correction. Furthermore, I guessed that it was going to be some sort of spanking. Disobedience was the big sin in the community. A wife might disagree with something and put her disagreement to her husband; he in turn was obliged to listen and take account of her opinion. However, if he gave her a direct instruction (obviously one she could reasonably carry out) she must obey it. I had disobeyed. I could see it now but when I was doing it I just thought of it as getting on with the job.

  Lily could tell something wasn't right with me as I hardly ate a thing at dinner and didn't say much. She kept giving me strange looks. However, we proceeded as normal to her bath, bedtime rituals and story and she settled down to sleep very quickly. She had a little 'friendly' light in her room and the door was only half closed. Once she was settled Sam told me to wait in the family room. It was a good choice on his part as it was the furthest from Lily's room and no way could she hear anything even if she was awake.

  I sat in an armchair scared of what was going to happen. It wasn't only a spanking, there was so much more to it. I had answered Sam's advert on impulse but, although I knew what sort of wife he wanted, it was head not heart knowledge. In my heart I had never thought of myself as a submissive wife who would accept this sort of thing, but here I was. I was scared of just how I was going to submit to this and, to be completely honest, how much it would hurt if I did. I wasn't scared of Sam himself for I knew he was a good man; it wouldn't be abusive but it would hurt.

  I was in quite a state when Sam walked back into the room and the whole of my insides did a somersault when I saw the hairbrush in his hand. I stood up, holding the sides of my trousers tightly to stop myself shaking.

  "Do you understand why you are going to be corrected?"

  "I think so. I was disobedient. I didn't exactly think of it like that but I can see that is how it is. Are you... are you going to spank me?"

  "Yes. I promised always to be moderate and proportionate but what you did was dangerous. I bet your body is aching with all that moving isn't it?" I nodded. "Yes, well you could have torn a muscle or, worse still, had one of those pieces topple on you. You got away with it... this time; but I cannot accept such disobedience. I forbade it for our safety. You do understand I hope?"

  I nodded again practically in tears already. I could hear my voice quavering when I asked, "Are you going to use that hairbrush to spank me?" The memory of Marion's spanking was very clear in my mind.

  "Half and half. Half hand and half hairbrush. It's your first such correction and I don't wish to be too severe. If you were Marion it would be all hairbrush and maybe more. Now then I want your pants and panties off and you standing in the corner to think things over before I start."

  "But suppose Lily comes out."

  "Sally, you're delaying. You know right well that Lily sleeps like a log until at least midnight, and if she does wake, she'll call out, not come out. Quickly now, Sally. Let's not make this worse than we need to."

  Taking off my trousers and knickers was so hard. My hands were shaking. OK so I am a wimp or whatever but the whole thing was hard for me in every way. When I finished I had nothing on at all from the waist down. I padded over in my bare feet to the corner; ironically one created by my furniture moving. Sam hadn't told me to put my hands on my head as Bill had Marion. I wondered why that was but was discovering how hard it had been for Marion, hands on head or not. My whole bottom became cold and ultra-sensitive. It tingled constantly and I struggled not to put my hands over it for protection. It was incredibly hard for me to be so submissive and I saw just what Sam meant about domestic discipline requiring strength of character.

  I seemed to be in that wretched corner for an eternity. I could hear a clock ticking and, to my fevered imagination, it began to tick in slow motion. I felt sicker with every tick. How was I going to submit to this? Would I be able to take the pain of a spanking? I wondered if I had the courage to say, 'No, I'm not doing this'. Or was that really courage? Was that really cowardice? Or was it a form of running away?

  Sam ended all that thinking with, "Sally, come over here to me."

  He was sitting on the sofa with the hairbrush on the seat beside him looking very stern. He certainly didn't look as if he was enjoying himself which was a comfort. I had to make a decision. If I couldn't do this, then really our marriage was over. The trouble was I really liked Sam: I liked being with him and we were good together. Our sex life was wonderful; I had never experienced such satisfaction before. Then there was Lily. How could I leave Lily? How could I leave Sam? Even as my mind whirled over all this my feet were walking towards Sam and, with some surprise, I found I was standing right beside him.

  "Well done Sally. Now lay yourself across my lap please."

  I had thought going to stand in the corner was hard but going over Sam's lap was far worse. It required a huge level of submission. I did it. It was really awkward but I did it. I found my upper body was partly on the sofa, my middle part over Sam's lap and my feet dangled down toward the floor, just touching if I pointed my toes and stretched downwards. He didn't restrain me in any way. From the few brief conversations I had with other women on this subject I knew this was normal. The women were supposed to welcome their corrections and cooperate in full.

  Suddenly there was a hard smack on my right cheek and it stung like mad. I yelped and jerked like mad. It was partly surprise I suppose.

  "You'll have to be still, Sally. We can't have that every time I spank you."

  "I can't do it Sam. I've never been spanked ever in my life. You'll have to hold me. I don't care what kind of wimp that makes me. I'll never keep still the whole time."

  I could swear I heard a chuckle in his voice when he replied, "Fair enough." Then I felt him cross one leg over both of mine. He took hold of my free arm (the other was jammed against his body of course) and brought it up onto my back and held it there. "Now we will continue." With that his hand smacked down hard on my left cheek. I was amazed at how much his hand stung when it smacked my bottom; not as bad in my mind as the first but it still made me cry out.


  "Oh, we've only just begun Sally." With that he began the spanking in earnest. Each smack of his hand stung terribly and I felt my bottom doing what it did in my self-spanking... trying to move away. This time I was on his lap and held in position, so all that happened was my bottom tried to move away and got nowhere. The heat and sting mounted so quickly I couldn't believe it. I heard myself gasping and yelping at each smack and trying hard to wriggle out of position. At first he spanked first one cheek and then the other so that his hand was pretty well always landing in the same place and it really began to hurt terribly. I yelped and cried and wriggled as much as I could but nothing stopped his relentless hand.

  Then he changed and his hand began to smack down in different places including the tops of my thighs. I jerked in all different directions and my cries grew louder all the time until
I knew I was crying, my nose running and I was as close to begging him for mercy as I could get. Then he stopped. He let go of my arm and his hand reached down and handed me some tissues. I began to blow my nose and wipe my eyes. Now my bottom was burning and stinging so much I could hardly keep still. Sam began to rub my back gently.

  "Well done Sally. You managed that really well for a first spanking. It's alright to cry sweetheart, that's quite normal. Do you need more tissues?"

  I gulped out that I didn't but had to add, "Am I still getting the hairbrush?"

  "I'm afraid so my darling. In the community we regard disobedience as a serious matter. It was decided by the founders who were both men and women. In fact, the women were the strongest about that."

  "Please Sam, not too hard. I am so sore already. I heard Marion's spanking and I'm scared."

  He had stopped rubbing my back but he started again. "I know you're scared and I know you're sore. The next half will be no harder than it needs to be. I'm sorry Sally, but you will be very sore when I've finished, and you'll find sitting really uncomfortable for several days."

  He took hold of my arm again and I whimpered, remembering, all too clearly, Marion's anguished squeals as Bill spanked her. "Are you ready, sweetheart?"

  What a daft question that was. Of course I wasn't ready but what could I say? Best to get on with it really. I heard this horrible whimpering voice say, "Yes."

  There was a hard blow to the right cheek of my bottom and I screeched and tried hard to get off his lap. "It hurts," I cried in horror.

  There was a pause, "Of course it does Sal... it's meant to but it won't injure you. It will just make you very sore for a while. Now be a good girl and it will be all over soon." With that he cracked the brush down on my left cheek.

  It was so harsh, the sting of that hairbrush. Heavens, no woman could be quiet when being spanked with that and I screeched again. But Sam held me fast and began spanking me methodically... right bottom cheek followed by left. Each smack of that brush on my already sore bottom had me jerking as much as his grip would allow, and sent screeches crashing against the ceiling. For some reason I tried to keep count, shouting out each smack of the brush after my screech.




  Then the counting got merged with the shrieks and somewhere at around ten or eleven I lost count and just concentrated on making a noise. I don't know what my face looked like but I can guess. My chin would have been wobbling, my mouth wide open, my eyes filled with tears, my nose running and my face very, very, red. I know I ended up just like Marion making a sort of continuous wailing sound which rose to a high screech when the brush smacked down on my bottom.

  It took me a while to realise that the spanking had stopped. My bottom was burning furiously and in some places throbbing horribly. I couldn't keep still even with Sam holding me firmly. I sort of wriggled within his grasp praying for that horrible burning and throbbing to ease.

  "Well Sally, do you think you've learned your lesson now?"

  I sobbed out promises that I would never, ever be disobedient again and to my huge relief Sam let go of my arm, uncrossed his leg and dropped the hairbrush on the floor. He left me in place for a while after handing me some tissues. While I blew my nose and generally snuffled he rubbed my back gently. Finally, he lifted me up and I sort of draped myself on him partly holding my bottom as I did. It was so hot and so unbelievably sore. My first spanking ever and I couldn't believe how painful it felt to me. He held me tightly, whispering comfort and soothing words to me, while I let go of my emotions and howled. Finally, I calmed. I knew I wouldn't be as bad next time. Oh yes, I knew I wasn't leaving him and that I would be spanked again was inevitable. A great deal of my reaction wasn't just the spanking it was the internal struggle to accept it. Then it dawned on me how similar Sam's methods and words were to those used by Bill when he spanked Marion.

  "Sam, is there some sort of manual that teaches you men how to spank us?"

  "Yes. The founders, both men and women, wrote it. It's guidance not a rule book but it aimed to ensure that any spanking was for correction and not domination. Also, of course, moderate and not abusive. It isn't just about spanking but all types of correction."

  "May I read it?"

  "Yes of course. In fact, I should really have given you your own copy. My apologies. I'll put that right tomorrow."

  Does that sound like a calm conversation? Well it wasn't. I sobbed out the questions in a hoarse voice and had to concentrate to hear the answers for my bottom really hurt. Finally, he told me to go and wash my face for he had a couple of little jobs to do. I padded barefoot to do as he told me. No disobedience for Sally! My face was terrible, all red and blotchy from the crying and screaming. My bottom? Well that was red all over, everywhere without exception right down to the top of my thighs. It was a hot, angry sort of red and in the centre of my cheeks a strange abstract pattern of dark reddish-purple marks that were clearly bruises. To touch, my bottom was still very hot, and so very tender and sore.

  I made no attempt to put my clothes back on but padded around holding my bottom gingerly with one hand while doing my jobs. It was during that time that something curious happened. I began to feel very randy. I wanted Sam with a powerful hunger that got stronger all the time. It worried me. Did it mean that I was one of those women Sam had mentioned when we first met? The sort of woman that gets off on pain?

  Sam was heading for the bedroom. We tended to go to bed early because Lily always had us up early the next morning. She'd bounce around at some unearthly hour and it was easier just to accommodate that by going to bed earlier. One day she'd be a teenager and we'd never get her up in the morning. I checked Lily, who was sound asleep with her arms clutched around her soft toy dog, and then headed for Sam like a guilty predator.

  I needed Sam in me badly but it worried me. Sam was quick to see something was wrong and asked me directly. "I feel incredibly randy, Sam. Am I one of those women that gets off on pain, one who likes to be hurt?"

  Sam laughed. "Trust me, Sal, you do not like being hurt. I've just spanked you so I can tell you that with confidence. Most of the women report what you're feeling. It's common. We had a big community discussion about it a few years back. The women thought it might be something to do with being submissive, and having to be spanked, but feeling very safe and loved. There might also be an element of needing the reassurance of sex after correction. A sort of signal that everything is back to normal now and it is you know. All is now forgiven and forgotten."

  That was the green light for me. I took off my top and bra and then walked over to Sam who was sitting on the bed. I had his clothes off very quickly; he was extremely cooperative. He was already partly erect but I put my mouth down on him and in short time had him rock hard. He just lay there grinning like some sort of Cheshire Cat. As I lowered myself onto his hard shaft it dawned on me that this was just how Marion had reacted after her spanking. I didn't care what the reason was, I had needs to attend to. I rode Sam hard almost oblivious to him except a dim awareness that he was fondling my breasts and adding to my pleasure. My pleasure grew like a kettle coming to the boil until I was crying out with it and riding him hard. Then a great intense wave crashed over me and I screamed, with pleasure this time. When I came back to myself I looked down and Sam was grinning up at me.

  My strong husband abruptly took hold of me and rolled me over and onto my back. My bottom protested. Heavens it was so sore. He pushed back into me and began to thrust eagerly. My bottom ground into the sheet and I almost protested but then something strange happened. The soreness sort of merged with the pleasure and I began to enjoy what he was doing. There was nothing sensitive about the way he had me and I didn't care. He just shagged me hard and fast and I came again just as he shot all of his stuff into me.

  Chapter 5

  I awoke very early the next morning not realising then what a very significant day it was going to be. Sam and Lily were st
ill asleep and I headed for the shower. I could feel how sore my bottom was as I walked; the shower rekindled all the sting and made me wince as the hot water ran over it. The strange thing was I felt really happy. Deep inside me was a strong feeling of peace and well-being. It was lovely. I couldn't recall ever feeling so happy before.

  As I dressed and began breakfast I realised I was falling in love with Sam. Oh, I had been in love before. You know as a teenager! Later I realised it was just a temporary infatuation but this was different. This was no strong stream this was a slow, wide and deep river. Can you imagine falling in love with a man that had spanked me the way he did? I wondered if my parents and brother would have approved of my lifestyle and decided that yes they would. Not without raised eyebrows perhaps but they would certainly have liked Sam.

  As we sat eating breakfast I was not to know that the events of that day would have such a long reach. The first event was that Sam didn't come home on time for his evening meal. He didn't always work at home but often went out to see his clients and work at their place of business. However, he always came home in time to eat with us and often earlier. He had to when he was a lone parent and was just in the groove of it.

  The second thing was I was meeting with some of the other wives at the Community Café (a boring name for it but that's what it is called) to be enrolled in the outreach programme. Apart from Marion I had made several friends with the other wives who had been very welcoming. There wasn't the same bitchy tension among the women in this community that one encounters elsewhere. It was Kath and Marion who asked me, and I was to meet them and two of the founders in the café after dropping Lily at play school.

  Susan Joyce and Bertha Abbadelli were around fifty and they were still spanked from time to time, or so I was told. They had a calmness about them very hard to define really. They were already in the café with Kath and Marion when I arrived. I saw them all give me an appraising look and then I sat down very carefully. Sitting or standing up again sent reminders of my spanking every time I did it.