Alice's Education: strict discipline in a girls' college Page 4
After her discipline session with Mark, Alice wasn't just sore she felt very emotional and almost unwell. She knew she should put a soft cushion on her chair and read some of the material for her psychology class but she couldn't make the mental effort. She decided she was going to bed and read a novel. She went to her Kindle and searched for a romance. She felt she needed something silly and involving love and care for the girl. She could pretend it was her and refresh her spirit. She found several possibilities and then had an idea... did any have spanking in them? Feeling slightly silly she tapped 'spanking romance' into the search box and to her surprise found a great many. She chose one set in modern times and having bought it began to read.
The heroine was indeed a girl she could identify with and the hero definitely a man she would like to meet, but by page three he had turned the heroine over his knee and spanked her; twelve hard smacks over her skirt. Alice began to giggle. The girl was in floods of tears and could barely sit because her bottom was hot and sore. "Heavens," she told the room, "how would she get on here at the college? I think she'd run a mile at the sight of Sir Mark and his hairbrush." Nevertheless she carried on reading but stopped and turned out the light even as Mark reached M for Melissa. She was asleep so quickly, in spite of her very sore bottom that she didn't hear Melissa's spanking or the others that followed.
Chapter 6
Some young women have criticized the Godly regime of discipline that I advocate. Yes indeed you may well cry 'shame' but sadly there are many deluded by Satan. My message to any young woman who believes that the regime is too harsh or the discipline too frequent is that she should examine her own conscience. - Annual lecture to the Charnock Amos Jones College for Young Women, 1920.
Alice overslept the next day and was woken by Zoe and Melissa banging on her door warning her breakfast was going to be over soon. Alice didn't feel like breakfast and told them not to worry. She drank some water and prepared for her day in a languid fashion. She was so slow she was late to her first class and paid very little attention while there. The teacher was extremely annoyed when he asked her a question and she had no idea what he was talking about. He promised he would report her to her supervisor.
The day continued in much the same way. She was late to all her classes and to lunch though she ate hardly anything and drank a lot of iced water. Her friends tried to marshal her along but she seemed utterly vague to them and they seriously wondered if she had taken some drug. They managed to get her to the evening meal on time but for all their pleading and encouragement she ate very little but again drank a lot. When the meal was over they tried hard to look after her but Alice said she was tired and was going to bed. They helped her to get ready and before they'd left the room she was fast asleep.
Mark was in his study picking up the day's reports about the girls in his house. He sighed at the large number. His hairbrush was going to be busy he could see that. Then he started checking them. Kelly had one late for evening meal; Sinead a late for her Math class; and Ann had been a bit sassy with one of her teachers. The rest were all Alice. Late, inattentive, failure to answer straightforward questions; he was stunned. She had nine reports and that was unprecedented. He checked the time and found it was already lights out time and he ought to be checking the girls. He decided that lights out or not Alice would have the first of her spankings right now. He picked up his hairbrush and strode off down the now dimly lit corridor noting that no light was shining under doors.
As he reached Alice's room he saw the door was open and the light on. Perhaps she expected him to come and discipline her but when he looked in she wasn't there. He turned. Normally at night the bathrooms had a dim light in case of night time need, now though bright light shone out from under the door. He waited for Alice to come out but she was still there after five minutes. Mark did not normally go in the bathrooms but now he was concerned and opened the door calling softly for Alice. He heard a groan and walked right in finding Alice slumped against the wall of a stall. She looked awful.
Suddenly, she struggled to rise and he realized she was about to be sick. Without thought he rushed in and lifted her up into kneeling position by the toilet bowl just in time for her to throw up in spectacular fashion. She continued retching so hard he did what his mother did and held her forehead while she heaved. When she finished her let her slide back against the wall while he flushed.
"Shall I get you back to bed?"
She nodded, tears running down her face. He lifted her up and helped her back to her bedroom as far as the wash basin. There he made her rinse her mouth using one of her mugs and wiped her face with a damp towel before getting her into bed. He took the mug and towel and was about to go and wash the mug in his little kitchen when Alice wailed.
He whipped around realizing immediately that she was about to be sick again. He saw the plastic waste paper basket and with one movement emptied it on to the floor and had it in front of her just in time for a second bout of violent sickness. When he had dealt with that he made her rinse her mouth again and cleaned up her face. The girl was burning up and shivering violently. Mark tucked her into bed putting a cold damp towel on her forehead. She seemed to drift off to sleep so he called the nurse in the infirmary explaining the situation.
The nurse arrived at Alice's room about ten minutes later. She had been getting ready for bed when the call came. She took the girl's temperature and asked about how many time she had been sick and looked doubtful
"I think she would be better up in the infirmary but..."
"I'll carry her." Mark was decisive. He pulled back the covers, wrapped Alice in her dressing gown and lifted her with ease.
The nurse was shocked but Mark was a champion gymnast and showed no sign of strain as he carried Alice the whole way to the infirmary where the nurse put her into bed. Alice kept drifting in and out of sleep but seemed to know Mark had carried her because she put out a hand, touched his cheek and whispered, "Thank you."
The nurse told Mark she was going to phone for the doctor and he told her he would stay. He sat beside her, cooling her face with a damp towel and recalling the feeling of carrying the helpless girl. He couldn't analyze the sensation; he had not been at all happy she was ill but looking after her had been peculiarly pleasurable.
Suddenly Alice wailed, "Mark," again and without thought he grabbed the cardboard bowl the nurse had left and she was painfully sick into it while he held it. He got her to rinse her mouth and he wiped her face putting the bowl as far from the pair of them as possible as he wasn't sure what to do with it. Alice reached out a very weak hand and clutched his, holding onto it even though her eyes were shut. He sponged her face again with his other hand.
The college doctor was a relatively young woman and rather worried, not that Alice was terribly ill, but that it was the start of one of those 'bugs' that sweep schools, colleges and offices. She told the nurse she was going to inject an anti-emetic and some antibiotic. In the morning she would assess whether she needed to go on a drip or even into hospital.
"You'll need to leave now," she told Mark, "I'm going to inject in her bottom." Mark laughed and the doctor blushed. "Oh yes that was foolish of me."
Mark turned Alice over and the doctor pulled down her pajama pants.
"I see you've been at work here recently." Her voice was somewhat frosty.
"Last night, and she deserved it I can assure you, although thinking about her behavior I suspect she was already coming down with whatever this is."
"Well no more of this corporal correction until I say so. I hope that is clear. Even if you think she has recovered you will hold off until I give the word. I expect that instruction to be followed."
"It will be doctor, I promise. I am her disciplinarian and I won't touch her until you say so. In fact she has racked up nine reports today, totally without precedent. Would that be her illness?"
"Quite likely I would say."
"Then I will
annul the lot and send out a notice to the whole staff explaining the situation."
Mark was about to leave Alice in the capable hands of the nurse and the doctor when her hand caught his trouser leg. He saw Alice looking at him.
"Thank you Mark."
Chapter 7
"I envision the role of supervisor to be a parental one. Providing a kindly guiding hand to the developing young woman but when needed applying the rod of correction." - Rev Charnock Amos Jones addressing potential donors in 1908.
Mark was kept busy over the next few days. The girls in his house wanted to see Alice but the doctor was worried they might get whatever she had. Mark was allowed up to see her and got so sick of giving reports that he took to posting bulletins on his door. He stopped all work on his doctorate and his book and as she recovered a little he sat and read to her. Sometime she appeared to be asleep but suddenly she would look at him and say something relevant so he guessed she was just resting.
He read her spanking romance to her, slightly surprised she had it though he could see from the books on her Kindle that it was the first she had ever bought. The heroine was spanked fairly regularly though never hard and suddenly Alice asked a question.
"Mark, are there really men who think they have the right to spank a girl like that?"
"Well there are men, quite a lot in my congregation as a matter of fact, who do spank wives and there is scriptural justification for it. It is made very clear that wives should be in submission to their husbands although men are enjoined to love them as they love themselves. Right is another matter. It should be consensual in the sense of agreed before marriage, clearly that is not the case in this book, and this guy isn't even married to her yet so he is really out of order. Still he does love her, or so the writer tells us, and she is completely idiotic the way she puts herself in danger and fails to keep her mouth in check." Alice said nothing to this at all and Mark looked at her, interested in her reaction. "Shocked?"
"More stunned. I was shocked when I first read about the discipline here at Charnock Amos Jones... it was so outside my experience but I read his book together with some of his sermons and lectures and decided there was something in it that would help me. This spanking girlfriends or wives though... weird is what I call that."
Mark laughed. "Well you need to talk to Bill Jones, my pastor. He is just as persuasive as his great-grandfather Charnock."
"Your pastor is related to Charnock Amos Jones?"
"Yes he is and he is of exactly the same mind. He has even developed what our church calls a Behavior Pack. I can't remember exactly how the description goes but it is something like, "Your guide to using Godly corporal correction with an errant teenager, includes: behavior agreement, guidance on dealing with misbehavior, punishment guide, record keeping pack and CD Rom."
Alice giggled. "He must have had the teenage you in mind when he developed it."
"I ought to spank you for sassiness." Mark looked stern but his eyes gave him away.
"You can't, I heard what the doctor said, no spanking for me until she says so. I may be ill for a long time."
Mark was delighted with this exchange. He felt he and Alice were really getting along now so perhaps it was time to prod her mysterious background a little.
"It must have been a difficult decision for you and your family to send you here."
"Choosing any college is really hard, Mark. Why are you here though?"
"I am working on my doctorate and a book so this supervisory post is perfect; I get my keep and a small allowance but a fair bit of time to work with access to the library and resources. Assuming I complete both successfully this year I hope to develop my academic career."
Somehow Mark found that Alice had got him talking about his family and how his parents lived just ten miles away. He was never sure afterwards how it had happened and just how she had managed to answer not a single question about herself. She even got him onto girlfriends.
"Well there is a girl..."
"I thought there must be with a good looking man like you. Are you engaged?"
Mark hesitated and Alice saw right into him, "Ah so you aren't so sure she is Miss Perfect for Mark."
"No I'm not. Our families are very keen but I'm not so sure."
"What about her?"
Mark looked ashamed and troubled. "I don't know. I am reluctant to bring it up. I don't want to upset her. She is a lovely person."
"Mark, you'll only upset her more letting it drift. Besides, she may feel the same way. Just come right out and say you feel your families have had expectations and you're not so sure about it and ask how she feels. Go home this weekend and do it. Best get it sorted out now."
When Mark left her bedside and went back to his apartment he found he agreed with her and made some phone calls to go back home at the weekend. It was only then he realized she had told him nothing about herself. When he arrived back after his weekend he went to see Alice. She was looking much better and the doctor had allowed the other girls to visit her. She had a whole pile of flowers and other gifts around her and had been allowed to put on a dressing gown and walk around a bit.
Alice smiled happily at seeing Mark walk through the door.
"I haven't come to see you because I went home for the weekend."
"So my friends told me. Well, what did she say?"
"She cried." Alice raised one eyebrow, a trick Mark could not do. He thought it looked very endearing on her. "...with relief. She agreed with me that our families had put pressure on us, probably not intentionally but all the same it was there. She didn't want to marry me but was afraid of upsetting me. We told both families together so they could see we were united and we have agreed to remain friends. You know you ought to write answers to these personal problems that people send in to magazines."
"I do."
"You do, really?"
"Yes absolutely. I can show you all my answers. You know the sort of thing. 'My boss wants me to have sex with him. He says when his daughter goes to college he will leave his wife for me. Do you think I should?' I write, 'You must be very attractive with great breasts because you are so dumb I can't see how you'd get a job otherwise. He has no intention of leaving his wife, he just wants a nice tasty piece on the side to stop him feeling he is sliding into middle age. When his wife finds out, and she will, you'll either be sacked or sent to your company's branch in Outer Mongolia. That of course leaves out the whole moral question of just why you would want to contribute to the break-up of a family. My advice is find another job as quickly as you can.'"
Mark looked horrified. "How do they take that advice? It is incredibly hardnosed."
Alice looked very mischievous. "Oh they don't see them. I write them, but only for my own amusement."
Mark sighed. "You're always doing that to me and I keep falling for it. I must spank you I think."
"Can't. Doctor's orders."
"You won't always be ill."
"No, but you are too honorable to spank a girl for personal reasons."
Mark narrowed his eyes. "Don't be too sure young lady."
"Oh I am, you're much too nice for that so I can wind you up quite safely."
Back in his apartment Mark found himself elated by his new relationship with Alice. She still disturbed him and occupied his thoughts a great deal but he loved being teased by her. It gave him a warm feeling inside.
Chapter 8
Supervisors should understand that the young women they have in their care are not yet fully mature Christian women. It therefore follows that the role of supervisor is a critical one and they should never hesitate when it comes to disciplining one of their students. Supervisors who are unduly lenient are misguided and this is not in the student's best interests. Guidance for Supervisors 1933.
Alice had been discharged from the infirmary for a full week. She had benefitted from the enforced rest and had been hugely encouraged to discover she was popular with all the girls in her house. For a girl that had been very
unpopular at school to the point of being bullied this was a welcome change. She viewed it as another sign she had made the right choice. No one had to choose Charnock Amos Jones, there was even another similar college that only used confining to campus and extra chores, including gardening, as sanctions rather than corporal correction. Alice had made her choice with a great many doubts and hesitations. Now in spite of the discipline she had received, she felt it had been the right choice.
Discipline for freshmen had now intensified. The college tended to go a little bit easy at first because students came from a wide variety of backgrounds. Melissa for example had not been spanked by her parents since she was twelve years old whereas Zoe had received a belt whipping from her father just one week before leaving home for college. At her interview Alice had been forced to admit she had never been spanked but promised she would accept any discipline without fussing. Once the girls had settled it was time to up the pressure. That was what the college all about... becoming absolutely the best Christian young woman it was possible to be. Many of the supervisors now introduced unofficial practices. Standing a girl in a corner with her hands on her head was not in the manual for example. Giving a quick swat to the bottom if a girl was a bit sassy or flippant wasn't either, but no girl ever complained. It was part and parcel of the caring almost paternal discipline that was a feature of the college.
Now one week on from leaving the infirmary it was the weekly review. Alice was delayed coming back from the evening meal by the Dean. He liked to pick a girl daily and talk to her in his avuncular way about how she was getting on. Today he picked Alice and so when she arrived back the weekly meetings had started and Mark was about to go into Kathleen's room. Even before he noticed her, Alice noticed Melissa, Kathleen and Jessica standing facing the wall outside their rooms. All were in their nightwear (as normal for review meetings) and had their hands on their heads.