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Sally's Journey: ... into domestic discipline Page 6
Sally's Journey: ... into domestic discipline Read online
Page 6
It was such a relief to spit out the soapy saliva but my mouth still tingled nastily and the horrid taste was still strong.
Sam was very mild, but very firm, when he said, "Sally, that foul language has to end. Do you hear me?"
"Yes Sam. I have improved though haven't I?"
"You have, but it must be one hundred percent, nothing less. Now you may rinse."
I rinsed my mouth thoroughly but the vile taste lingered then Sam ordered, "Now I want you to go back to the corner in the family room."
I stood in the corner, again with my hands not on my head, while my bottom tingled at the thought of the spanking part of the correction still to come. The strange calm had returned and I wondered at the change in myself. There would have been a time, only recently, when I would never have submitted like this. I didn't want to be corrected, because it would hurt, but I knew I needed it. That was a huge difference. I was so deep in thought about the change in me I was almost surprised when Sam told me to come to him. I placed myself carefully and awkwardly over his lap ending in pretty much the same position as before: upper body partly on the sofa, my tummy and bottom on his lap and my legs dangling down toward the floor.
"Now Sally, I am just going to use my hand. Disobedience is a far more serious and dangerous matter than this. The hairbrush was appropriate for that but would not be, at least not yet, for your foul language. Now do you think you can manage to take your correction without me restraining you?"
"I'll try Sam. You won't be upset if I don't manage it this time?"
"No, of course not. You've come on so quickly it's hard to believe. You've made a huge transition in just a short time. How on earth could I be upset with you."
I reached out and took a grip of the loose cover on the sofa. I was replacing the sofa after the decoration was done and the strange thought came into my head that it had better have loose covers. I readied myself for the first smack of his hand. It came quickly. A huge hard smack that stung like fury. I yelped and jerked a bit but managed to stay in position. He stopped and tugged my top up a little thus exposing my lower back; I suppose it must have partly covered my bum. Smack! His hand landed on the other cheek and he began spanking me properly; right cheek followed by left in a remorselessly steady way.
Each smack made me yelp or gasp or say 'ouch' or something like that and I could feel my whole body jerk a little as he spanked me. The sting and heat on my bottom grew alarmingly. Until I came here I had no idea a hand could punish in this way. My legs took on a life of their own and I had a hard job controlling them. They wanted to kick wildly at each smack of Sam's hand but I managed to just make them cross, uncross and stretch out instead. Having your bare bottom spanked by your husband is a strange experience. My bottom felt very vulnerable indeed and Sam's hand very hard. Every time it smacked down the sting compounded the existing stinging and my whole bottom burned furiously. My cries grew louder in spite of my efforts to be stoical and I gripped the sofa hard to stop Sam having to restrain me. I wanted to take my spanking like a good community wife. In the end I burst into tears sobbing every time his hand smacked down.
When he finished spanking me Sam did what he had before and left me in place but handed me tissues. Then he rubbed my back gently until I calmed down. I ended up sprawled on his lap while he comforted me. Those comforting times are very important in the community and it is made clear in the manual that no husband should neglect them.
Before I dressed I checked my bottom in the mirror. It was hot scarlet all over but had none of that horrid bruising that had made sitting so uncomfortable the last time. As I rinsed my mouth out again to get rid of the lingering taste of soap, I began to feel randy. There was no time for any bedroom athletics as Lily was due out of play school so I sighed and hurried to pick her up.
It was clear that my reorganisation of the family room was working well so we decided on colour schemes and moved into the main sitting room while the decorators did their job. Sam took me to buy some furniture to replace everything except his inherited pieces. We dropped Lily in play school and drove to Wheelton where I had stayed at the motel when I first came to visit Sam. It seemed a lifetime ago as I had changed so much.
As we drove I happened to notice a sedan car quite a way behind us. At first I didn't think anything of it, but it stayed exactly the same distance the whole time, even when overtaken by other cars. It was a sort of nondescript beige colour. When we got to town we parked and went to the only large furniture store (the community didn't make things like sofas). As we came out having made several purchases I noticed the same car sitting not far away. We went to eat lunch and I spotted it yet again. I told Sam and, in typical male fashion, he laughed and told me that I was imagining it. I didn't argue but I wasn't convinced at all. I was fairly sure that I saw the beige car on the way back too, but Sam didn't seem to notice and I decided to leave the issue.
As we chose the furniture for the family room it occurred to me that the furniture in the sitting room and formal dining room had hardly been used. It seemed very wasteful to change it all just because Julie had chosen it. I decided we would just redecorate and reorganise the rooms a bit with a few new accessories and leave it at that. The spare bedrooms could stay as they were... we hoped to have more children so they could wait until then. The consequence of those decisions, which I put into action immediately, was that we came in well under the budget Sam had given me. Sam was pleased with everything I'd done and together we began to plan what to do with the land.
I remembered my promise to Jack and when it was time for me to go to him again I took Lily with me. I was also rather proud because Sam gave me permission to carry the revolver in the small storage box on the driver' side. Lily had drawn Jack a picture of us; her daddy, me and her. It was a very strange picture. Three different size rectangles each with two lines coming down for legs. Part of the rectangle had been made into a face with blobs for eyes and mouth. There was a squiggle on top of each, for hair I suppose, and what looked like a cabbage on either side of the 'head' for ears. Strangest of all were what looked like lots of twigs sticking out each side of the rectangle. I realised what Lily was trying to do was draw arms with hands and fingers. It was certainly a more thoughtful drawing than those my niece did and I was impressed even if her drawing made us all look like Edward Scissorhands.
Jack, however, was delighted with it and immediately stuck it up on the wall nearest his favourite chair. He had a cup cake and milk ready for Lily and coffee for me and was, for him, very relaxed. He gave Lily a box of treasures to look through. There were shells and snow globes and many other strange bits and pieces. Then he asked me, "Did you do anything about a gun?"
"I did. Sam gave me a very thorough lesson and I can load, fire and clean a Smith and Wesson 38 special which is now mine."
"Where is it?"
"In my car."
"No damned good in the car. You need to carry it. Go get it girl."
I did as I was told, noting the change from 'woman' to 'girl', which I suspected was a sort of promotion in his mind. When I got back he had a holster for it that I could put on my belt.
"Ya can wear that and hide it under a loose top or a jacket. When yer out on yer own, or with Lily, always carry it. Hear me?"
I thanked him profusely and he just nodded but he seemed pleased for all that. Lily gave him a goodbye kiss which clearly delighted him and again he waved goodbye as we drove off down the road. As I made the rest of my deliveries I again spotted that beige car. It stayed the same distance behind us all the time and always seemed to be parked nearby when I was in delivering meals. I was suddenly very glad I was carrying the gun on my belt.
I thought about who was following and why. I thought probably Sam was also being followed separately. Maybe there were two beige cars at work. I discounted the Sheriff's Department. No way did they have the resources to follow us when there was no apparent threat and anyway they'd tell us. To me it was obvious wh
o it was: it had to be Garret Cannon. Why he should do so was more puzzling. There was no intimidation, and no interference, so what was he up to? Then it crossed my mind that maybe they were hoping to find something to discredit Sam so that his testimony would be worthless. Possibly if I was having an affair or taking drugs they could blackmail him into withdrawing. Well they wouldn't get very far with that so that left the chilling possibility that intimidation and interference would be the next step. I was right of course.
You might think from the way I behave with Sam that I am some kind of meek submissive woman. I'm not. I have always been argumentative, stubborn and given to fighting back. When I was twelve I fought back against older school bullies and won hands down. Now I decided to fight back against the beige car. I went online and found a supplier literally named, Equipment for Spying. In the car tracking section I found a well written history of tracking devices and a brief explanation of what was available now and why. I purchased a small magnetic device to attach to a car and the equipment needed to track it. I ordered express delivery.
Chapter 7
I was really pleased with the way everything was going at home and Sam and I were happy together. According to him and the other wives, I was hardly being corrected at all for a new wife. I thought it a lot, but apparently most wives new to the lifestyle got corrected as much as three or four times a week. I wondered what my dad would have made of me as I was now. I had tested his patience a great deal when growing up but now I understood everything he had tried to teach me.
We had a plan for the land, which included a small patch for Lily, and had begun to prepare the soil and buy fruit trees and other plants. I'd learn how to make jams and preserves once we got it all planted. The decorating was finished except for the spare rooms, and Sam was delighted with what I'd done. He was a good and capable man, but like many men, had no idea how to make his house look good and work for the best.
He was a lovely father to Lily but he'd not really known how to do her hair or dress her. I had bought her some new clothes and had sorted her hair out properly but now I decided Lily, who was growing, needed a great many new clothes. I decided to take her to Wheelton to do some clothes shopping for her. We'd have lunch out and make it a special day. She could hardly contain her excitement.
As we drove I noticed the beige car in my rear view mirror. It made me determined; I had worked out a plan to turn the tables, but not with Lily in the car, so I just let it follow us. Just like the furniture shopping expedition I saw the beige car parked close by as Lily and I walked around town. I found the gun nestling under my top very reassuring and thanked Jack in my head several times, but it wasn't until lunchtime I used it.
We went into a café for lunch and I sat with my back in a corner and a clear view of the door and out through the window into the street. There was the beige car as I expected but this time there was a change. A man got out of the car and headed to the café. My heart started to race, and I surreptitiously eased the gun out of the holster, and put it on my knee with a paper napkin covering it. He was of medium height, tough looking, but not especially nasty. You'd not worry about him in normal circumstances but this was not normal. He came in and sat down at a nearby table staring at me.
We were awaiting our order, and Lily was chattering excitedly about her clothes and the lunch, when he ordered a coffee and sandwich. When the waitress had gone he began staring at me again; so I took the napkin off the gun, lifted it and pointed it at him under the table. I nodded to him, which surprised him, and then having got his attention, nodded downwards. He looked and spotted my gun pointing at him. He looked surprised, but not frightened, and simply got up and left.
The beige car was back again at the same steady distance as I drove home. It irritated me so much that I decided to put my plan into action. I didn't tell Sam. Perhaps I should have done but I am not sure he would have believed me. I thought he believed women prone to unnecessary worry.
I was too busy with one thing or another to do much about my plan straight away. I was followed on my meals' delivery rounds but again the beige car kept its distance. It was a week before I had a day when I felt I could spare the time to try my plan. What I wanted to do was see if I could find out for sure if Garrett Cannon was behind this. So I got in my car and set off towards Wheelton on a totally unnecessary journey. In the car with me I had the equipment I'd bought. Some miles along the road there is a double S bend and off it a concealed place where one can park a car. I drove sedately along, allowing the beige car to keep its steady distance, until I reached the double S bend. Once out of sight I sped up, turned sharply into the concealed place, turned the car around and watched the road. Sure enough beige car went by, the driver probably thinking he'd pick me up again on the straight.
I came out of my concealed place and followed at a distance. I didn't know if he'd spot me but I hoped not. He kept getting faster which I guessed meant he'd lost me and his eye was on the road ahead. I followed him into town where he parked in the parking lot and then got out. It was the café man again and I saw immediately what he was doing... looking for me. As soon as he was out of sight, I walked up to his car, attached the tracker to the underside according to the instruction manual, noted his vehicle number and went back to my car. I had parked out of plain sight and I now sat in my car with the monitor and waited.
Sure enough after about fifty minutes I saw him returning to his car looking very angry. He got in and drove off at speed. I watched him on the monitor until it was safe enough and then set off following where the tracker led me. About fifteen minutes out of town is an area of large estates, the haunt of the very wealthy. The beige car had driven into a very open property and in it I could see a huge house. Although it appeared open and insecure I guessed there would be guards and all sorts of hidden security inside. I saw an elderly man walking a dog so got out and, with a friendly smile, walked up to him.
"Excuse me. Is that beautiful place the Cannon residence?"
"It certainly is. That man has more money than he knows what to do with."
Having said that, he walked on. So it was Garrett Cannon behind the men following me and Sam. I wasn't sure what to do with that knowledge. Perhaps I should have told Sam or even the Sheriff but I wasn't sure about the legality of what I'd done. It was information but how useful was a good question. I drove some distance away and parked up, watching my monitor in case he came out again but suddenly the tracker signal went dead. They must have found it. Well that would give them something to think about!
In the light of what happened later I wonder if I made a mistake in not telling anyone but hindsight is a wonderful thing. Anyway I thought I'd won because I wasn't followed anymore. Not a beige car in sight or any other colour come to that. Even when I went out with Sam there was no car following us. Perhaps the thought that someone had fitted a tracker freaked them out. So with a great feeling of victory I got on with my married life.
One of the wonderful, unlooked for, benefits of living in the community was having other women as friends. Oh sure I'd had women friends when I was working but you have to remember they were also potential rivals. One had to be very careful when giving confidences to a girlfriend. In the community we were sisters, not rivals, and could share secrets and worries with one another. I had quite a few friends very quickly but the two closest were Marion, Bill's wife and Kath Morgan wife to David who owned the leather workshop. Marion and Bill were Sam's oldest friends in the community and I know he was relieved and pleased we got on. Kath's David employed about a dozen people including four from outside the community. His workshop also made straps and leather paddles of various sizes. These had originally been made for the community but he now sold them far and wide. Apparently a great many people liked spanking for fun. My spankings were all most definitely corrective and I find being spanked for fun hard to imagine.
I was able to share with Kath and Marion my early struggles with the submission necess
ary and found I was in fact unusually good at adapting. They told me how many of the wives, even the ones that had been the driving force in joining, struggled hard with obedience and submission for a good year, sometimes longer. I suppose that may be why that advert in the church in New York spoke so strongly to me. The notion that I had adapted quickly certainly left me wondering about myself.
I was able to share with them that I had been made to stand in the corner a couple of times for being disrespectful to Sam. 'Oh, come on. For heavens' sake...' is not the correct way to disagree with one's husband in the community. Fifteen minutes with hands on head on two occasions had taught me to be more circumspect when suggesting Sam was wrong about something. I also shared with my friends how randy I usually felt after correction and the result was a giggly conversation about our sex lives.
All of this made me feel very relaxed, very happy and even the phone calls did not change that. The calls came on the house phone. If I answered there was silence and the phone went dead. If Sam answered something brief was said but he didn't share that with me. I expect he was protecting me but I guessed Garrett Cannon was behind it. This was the intimidation phase and I felt that action would be next but I didn't know how to prevent it. I just didn't believe the Sheriff's Department would be much help. There would be not a shred of evidence linking Garrett Cannon to anything and in fact nothing had been done. Some missed calls, a few wrong numbers, maybe a car following us and a man staring at me in a café! Big deal. Even if I revealed the tracker, so what? An employee acting on his own initiative would be fired and Mr Cannon would be entirely innocent.
I did badger Sam (I expect he'd call it nagging) to report it to the Sheriff. In the end he agreed and we were interviewed by a deputy who, to my surprise, took it very seriously. I felt emboldened to tell him we'd been followed. However, I was nervous about telling him about the tracker. It might be illegal and I had a nasty feeling Sam would regard it as a serious matter requiring correction. I gave the deputy the vehicle number of the beige car. It all came to nothing though. The phones used to make the calls were all unregistered mobile or cell phones; the beige car turned out to have been stolen in another state, had no links with anyone in the Cannon menagerie and was certainly not on the property now; we were no longer being followed, and no direct threats or specific threats had been made. Whatever it was the Sheriff's Department did it stopped the calls. No more calls and no beige cars following. All went quiet. It turned out to be the quiet before the storm.