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Alice's Education: strict discipline in a girls' college Page 7
Alice's Education: strict discipline in a girls' college Read online
Page 7
Mark didn't know whether to turn cartwheels down the corridor or go and hand in his resignation. He was a supervisor who had fallen for a girl and kissed her. That was bad enough and laid him open to a serious complaint by Alice. That Alice had come back after the other girls had disappeared off to breakfast and kissed him meant she cared too and that... Mark's head whirled with all the problems.
He sat at breakfast with Dr. Prentice on his left side moaning about some faculty problem and Mrs. Liang on his right complaining about the lack of student commitment. He tuned both out and thought about Alice and how he could legitimately pursue the relationship. He was about to send his doctorate off for review and the book to the publishers. If he got both accepted, and he was confident he would, he could start his academic career. There was a senior teaching post at Lancaster Fields College; it had been deliberately set up in the image of Charnock Amos Jones but didn't use corporal correction. It wasn't far away and then he could legitimately court Alice... well assuming she wished to be courted of course. She might not. She might just have kissed him as a peace making. Mark groaned out loud then had to abandon his breakfast assuring Dr. Prentice and Mrs. Liang that he would be fine, he was just feeling a little under the weather.
Alice sat with the other girls but did not join in the morning chatter. She sat thinking about Mark and what had happened last night and this morning. She realized that he had done something serious for someone in his position He could quite easily be dismissed if anyone found out. She would probably be perfectly OK as he was the person in authority. Poor Mark, he was less than ten years older than her. She wasn't sure exactly, but maybe twenty-six or twenty-seven and if he was dismissed from here no one would ever appoint him to an academic post, he'd be tainted. Well he had cared for her when she was ill now she had to look after him. Clearly this could go no further, but she had to put him back in an authority position, at least until he was free of this post. She thought out her plan, didn't like it but could think of nothing else.
The best time for her idea was after the evening meal when the girls all tended to congregate in the common room (except review evening) at least for a while until other activities took over. Some might go off to choir or drama or sports training or simply to study. Just for a short while they all gathered and Mark usually came along too. She grew more nervous as the time approached but felt good about doing it. Everyone was milling around and talking about the day. Mark was watching and joining in when appropriate. Alice waited for her best opportunity and then began her plan.
"Well I had Liang again today. I hate bloody psychology it's bloody shit and Liang is an old dragon."
The silence fell and everyone stared at her in horror. The un-Alice like statement included foul language, personal insult of a teacher and a negative comment about a class. All of them disciplinary offences.
"Alice! Go to your room. Now!"
Alice turned and walked quickly to her room getting the spanking chair out immediately and praying hard that Mark wouldn't be bringing the strap with him. He didn't, but he looked very upset and came in carrying the hairbrush. The hairbrush was large with a square shaped wooden back and stung like all the furies when it smacked down on a bare bottom. Alice knew she was in for a real blistering after that outburst. Mark sat down on the spanking chair.
"Get those jeans and panties down fast, Alice."
Alice's hands were now trembling at the spanking she was about to get and she fumbled somewhat in unsnapping her jeans. They were tight, figure hugging and hard to pull down over her bottom and thighs. Underneath she was wearing a thong; they were much disapproved at Charnock Amos Jones. Jeans and trousers were no longer banned but they were not regarded with approval and thongs were somewhere in the outer darkness in the approval stakes. Mark tutted when he saw them. She slipped them down not worrying about her modesty as he had seen more than enough of her when she was ill. Mark took hold of her arm and helped her down over his lap.
"I cannot believe you said those things Alice, and after your discipline I shall require you to write fifteen hundred words on just why you should not have uttered them. If I am not satisfied with the quality of your written work it will be the strap for you. Do I make myself clear?"
"Yes sir."
The usual double tap and then the spanking began with a ferocious smack of the brush to her right cheek. Her legs kicked and she cried out. It continued with the same ferocity; the brush cracking down hard on first one part of her bottom and then another at Mark's usual fast rate. Alice held on tightly to the chair praying it would not be too long. She was wailing and writhing by the end of the usual minute but Mark didn't stop and Alice found out just how much worse the usual discipline could really be. She pushed herself right up on his lap and her feet touched the floor but somehow her bottom remained in the place to be spanked and Mark ignored all else, just continued blistering her bottom. She sobbed out pleas and apologies but Mark was used to spanking the students in his charge and the hairbrush carried on smacking down until the second minute was reached.
Alice sank down to her knees on the floor holding her bottom tightly and sobbing hard. It was by far the worst spanking she had at the college. Mark went as if to help her up and she knew he would want to hold her as he often did with distressed girls, but she wouldn't let him. She stood shakily and kicked her jeans and thong off and walked half naked to get a towel out of a drawer and wrapped it around her middle, flinching as the rough material brushed her bottom. She then dashed water over her face and dried it, trying hard to control herself.
"Why? Why did you say those things Alice? They are simply not like you."
"To make it clear to you and the girls that you are my authority figure. What we did last night and this morning was incredibly dangerous for you. I know we only kissed but if anyone found out, that is your academic career over... forever. Zoe is not an idiot. She will have heard you come back last night. She couldn't have been asleep so quickly but she hasn't asked any questions. She knew I came back up when we were going to breakfast and you were up here. You can't afford any suspicion at all and it is up to me to make sure it doesn't happen. You've just blistered me. It really hurts so that should stop some talk and then I will moan my way through your fifteen hundred words, that will help. From now on, no hugs. You have to be brisk at reviews, spank me and go quickly - if I need spanking of course. You have to stay clear of me until you are in a position to see me openly... if you want to that is."
Mark was horror struck when he heard all this. He was responsible for this whole mess. "I am so sorry Alice. I have behaved very badly and you've taken control of all that when really it should have been me. I'll never let you down like that again. I just didn't understand my feelings and when I did it all came in a huge rush. I am taking steps to make it possible to see you if you will let me of course but I'll put distance between us for now."
Chapter 13
A supervisor must get to know each of the young Christian women in the house without fear or favor. Guidance for Supervisors 1933.
Mark realized he was further in the wrong. He had been imagining all sorts of silly reasons to account for Alice's different standing when he should have been simply asking her. Even now he still knew very little, plus he had been aggressive toward Zoe which was wrong. He groaned at his utter stupidity which he now knew was because he was so deeply attracted to Alice. He had to find out about her, but openly, and in a manner that would not cause comment.
He went to Zoe and apologized humbly for his attitude saying he had been rather het up about something. He further acknowledged even now he knew nothing about Alice's background and suggested as her best friend that together they get her talking. Zoe forgave Mark quickly because he was actually a good supervisor, kind and understanding which she felt must come from having five younger brothers or sisters. Accordingly she arranged a session in spite of Alice's reluctance. Melissa was also invited and one Saturday morning as the rain poured down outside, they s
at in Zoe's room and Mark got Alice talking.
Zoe thought she would never forget the session: the noise of the rain outside; a faint sound of music or voices from the other girls; the smell of the coffee; the large plate of her aunt's cookies; and Alice's matter of fact voice describing a life none of them had. Not once did she show any self-pity; she regarded others in the world as having had much worse and she was just getting on with her life.
She told of her early life with her mum struggling to make ends meet and pay a mortgage she couldn't really afford, of the frugal days out walking in parks with a picnic, buying clothes in charity shops rather than new, of Sunday lunch at her grandma's place, and her grandma's death when Alice was ten. How guilty they both felt because the money left to them paid the mortgage and meant they were better off. Then the devastating news of her mum's serious and progressive illness. How very quickly her mum had to quit work and the struggle to get benefits without revealing she was a very young carer.
The three of them had to prod her a lot to get the full story about just how much she had to do for her mother and somehow keep up with school. Zoe and Melissa realized that while they were doing normal little girl things she was acting as nurse, cleaner, housekeeper and cook. While they were spanked if they neglected their chores there was no question but Alice had to do them or her mum suffered. Mark though sensed he had more in common because he was the first born and had been helping out with his younger brothers and sisters from an early age. He had even had to regularly change diapers.
They became angry at the isolation in school and the unthinking cruelty of other girls who saw her as merely odd or stand-offish without really knowing anything. The only time Alice showed any emotion was in describing her mother's death but she cut that short and they did not push further. They admired the kindness of the vicar and his wife (both seventy years old) who had delayed their retirement to give her a home and helped sort out the finances without ever asking a penny piece.
"Alice," Mark's voice was soft and gentle, "we can only wonder at your experiences and not share them, but from the beginning I have wondered what a bright girl like you is doing here. Where you lived there are a whole load of good universities you could have gone to."
"I was afraid is all; there is a heavy drinking and sex culture in our universities, yours too I am fairly sure. I met a girl in the year above me. She'd never talk to me at school but I met her after she had gone up and she had quit and was doing an online degree instead. She had to share a room with another girl who had her boyfriend come visit a lot ... they had sex right in the room with her there, bonking away with no regard for her. Then the boyfriend suggested she might like to join in and she had enough... that just wasn't her. I didn't want to get dragged into all that, but with no family and no friends I was frightened I would. Then again I had been caring for someone for years. Even the vicar's wife needed help as her arthritis was so bad. I didn't mind. It was a pleasure to help her but I just wanted someone to look after me for a change. Can you understand that? This college does that... it acts like a parent. A strict parent sure but I could cope with that. I could have applied to Lancaster Fields but the thought of all those silly punishment chores and being confined to campus really irritated me. I was scared of the discipline here but I read Rev. Jones' book and his sermons and he persuaded me. Now I don't regret it in the slightest. I love it here."
When they got on to vacation times Alice explained that she was OK with paying for B and B but not in the summer. She had applications out to hotels and summer camps for employment that would give her accommodation. She wasn't worried too much by having to earn, just didn't want to drain her capital down too much. Mark suddenly saw an opportunity.
"I can get you a job with our church if you like. The pay is minimal... small allowance only but free board and lodging. Our church runs a day camp for disadvantaged kids. It’s for seven days a week but they go home to sleep and not all attend all seven days. We feed them, give them wholesome fun activities, teach them about our faith and give counseling or other practical help where needed. You'd be ideal to work with a group. If you like I can get you a place."
Zoe and Melissa both offered her a home for the summer but Alice didn't want to sponge off their families and anyway guessed what Mark was up to. He was giving her a perfectly legitimate way to spend the summer with him so she said that would be great.
"My Uncle Jack, my dad's brother always hosts a worker, you'll love him and Aunt Carol. Oh... she's from Lancashire by the way. You can't really tell any more but every now and then she reverts to her old accent. They don't have any children of their own but her niece Erin lived with them for a year or so until she got married. She's from your home too. Married now to Josh Whittle and with a baby boy. I'll get all the details and get your name down for you. You'll love our camp, I do; it is such a positive atmosphere and the kids have a great time."
There seemed nothing left for the four of them to talk about and Melissa was having a problem with one of her classes so Mark took her off to see if he could sort her problem for her. That left Zoe and Alice alone.
Zoe looked at Alice appraisingly for a while before finally saying, "So, are you in love with him?"
Chapter 14
The good Christian girl does not tell lies. John chapter 8 and verse 44 tells us that when Satan lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies. So for any girl to tell lies means she has become a daughter of Satan. Do you want to be a daughter, not of our Heavenly Father, but of Satan? Of course you don't but telling lies will make you one.
Why do we tell lies? Often it is because we want to avoid being punished or maybe just because we are ashamed of what we have done. But punishment is far better for us than becoming a daughter of Satan. Yes the testing of punishment may be unpleasant for a short while but what a relief to have told the truth. The good Christian girl will admit her faults and errors and take her punishment rather than tell a lie. Extracted from the church "Guide on how to be a good Christian girl" 2012 by Pastor Bill Jones.
Alice's heart started thumping hard and she had a hard job keeping her face neutral. "What do you mean Zoe?"
"Do you love him?"
"Love? Love who?"
"Careful Alice, you don't want to be telling lies now do you. I may be blonde but I am not dumb. I have seen how agitated Mark gets around you. I saw how he cared for you when you were ill. I heard him to go your room late that time and I heard the raised voices which ended suddenly. I saw you go back up at breakfast the next day, and then what happens? Oh yeah, Alice, who is so mild and nice, suddenly lets rip in front of everyone with a most un-Alice like rant and gets the spanking of the year. Suddenly Mark gets all interested in your life history and instead of just going into your room and asking you as he would with anyone else, he makes sure there are two witnesses. Then there is the very careful way that Alice Watson doesn't look at him. So are in you in love with him?"
"We haven't done anything wrong. He kissed me is all that night and then the next day I went back up and kissed him. But it could destroy his career so I-."
"So you staged the rant."
"So do you love him?"
"I don't know! I care for him very deeply and he cares for me. I'd like to spend more time with him but we can't. You won't tell anyone will you Zoe?"
"What do you take me for? Besides, you've done nothing wrong. Honestly this is like some stupid badly written romance. You do realize what a lot of marriages are like in our churches don't you? I mean the husband is most definitely in charge and the wife must be in submission to his authority and if she does something silly she'll end up over his knee."
"Mark said that it has to be consensual."
"Yes, well what is consensual? You fall in love... he is Mr Perfect and you are his Miss Perfect and he says, 'Darling you will accept my authority and my right to spank your bottom when you are naughty won't you?' So naturally you go all dewy-eyed a
nd say you will and there you go. My eldest sister is in a marriage like that."
"Is she unhappy then? Is he brutal?"
"No not a bit of it. She loves him but he does spank her. Have to say she needs it... never knew anyone that needed their butt spanked more than her and it's been good for her. She's got a lot better. Dad admits he made a mistake and didn't discipline her enough. He's put that right with me. No, they love each other to bits. Happy as can be, the pair of them."
"Zoe what is your point?"
"My point is being a married woman in one of our churches is a far cry from what you're used to. You accepted college discipline but its temporary, only until you graduate. Even if you stay for a master's it is still only short lived. Marriage now is forever or at least I believe so and I think you do too."
"Well we aren't even going out together at the moment so marriage and all that is far away. I'll bear it in mind though. I'm not sure I wish to be a spanked wife. Well I'm not sure I want to be a wife at all at the moment."
The weeks sped by with Alice and Mark being careful to be quite formal with each other. If anyone other than Zoe noticed they kept it to themselves. It was some time after Easter all the girls in Mark's house received a printed invitation to attend a gathering in the common room at a certain time. When they began to gather they found members of the academic staff there and a table with nibbles and a big cake plus soft drinks. When Mark arrived the Dean stepped forward.
"Ladies and gentlemen. I am delighted to be able to toast the success of my young friend and now Doctor Mark Accourt and announce that in addition to the success of his doctoral thesis his book is to be published and will appear on the market in time for Christmas."
It was a lively party but for Alice it was special; now Mark would go for a teaching post at another college and then be free to date her. She couldn't wait for the college year to come to an end so that she and Mark could spend some time together.