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Sally's Journey: ... into domestic discipline Page 7

  I've not mentioned Anne and her children. I haven't forgotten them. I could never do that. Her parents' reports were gradually more hopeful. Anne had really got some extreme version of PTSD and not surprisingly. She had witnessed the shootings. She had seen the bullet-ridden bodies of my parents and brother. What I didn't know was that my brother didn't die straight away. Some local people had tried to save him but without success. That must have been terrible.

  Anne was being treated by a top person and she was gradually responding. A few days after we'd been to the Sheriff's Department I got a text from her dad asking me to set up a Skype call with Anne herself. Sam went off to work and I had Lily with me when we made the call. It was still early morning at our house but afternoon in the UK.

  Anne was hugely improved; no drugs now. She still wasn't the bright energetic woman she had been but it was a relief to see her.

  "I believe you are married now."

  "Yes, to Sam. I'm in the family room now. He's gone off to see a client."

  "Are you happy Sally?"

  Well I was more than a bit nervous about answering that. I might be happy but she couldn't be could she. However, I wasn't prepared to lie. "Yes Anne. I am very happy. We didn't really know each other. It was impulse, and no more, but it has worked. I love him Anne. He's a wonderful husband and father."

  "You've got a little step-daughter?"

  "Yes, Lily." I called Lily over and she sat on my lap, said hello and chattered on about something she was drawing. I doubt Anne understood much of it but she smiled and nodded in all the right places.

  Lily went back to what she was doing and Anne said, "She's lovely. Do you think, when I am better, I might bring the children and come and see you?"

  I was delighted. Anne was thinking ahead to the future. "I'd love that. Come and make it a good stay. It's lovely here and the children can play together."


  It was because I was feeling so good about Anne, as well as being generally happy, that when Kath Morgan asked me to join her and Marion on a girly night out I immediately agreed. Had I known how sore my bottom would be as a consequence of that outing I would never have agreed.

  Not far from the entrance to our valley community was a bar called Jeff's Place. The owner was a customer of Bill's and a client of Sam's. It was a bar but had a stage and live music several times a week. It also served bar food such as burgers. It was mainly blues, rock and country music but whatever it was was OK with me. I have eclectic tastes. We were going to go and have American food, drinks and enjoy the live acts. We got a taxi because it was wise to avoid a DUI, not just because of the legal consequences, but the very sore bottom we'd get it we did.

  Jeff's Place was hot, pretty crowded and with dim lighting but the atmosphere was great. The music was surprisingly good. My burger was huge and as tasty as the fries and accompaniments. The beer was cold but, mindful of Sam, I was careful with my drinking; I had enough to lose my inhibitions and soon was as noisy as everyone else in my appreciation of the music. We were having a great time until three men turned up to occupy the table next to us. They were loud, rude and deeply unpleasant characters. Against popular opinion they were not always supportive of the acts and attracted more than a few angry glares. Then they began hitting on us in the crudest, most unpleasant way imaginable. Some of their comments bordered on obscene but I walked right up to them, held up my ring finger and said, "Shut up. We're all married and we are not interested in you."

  Surprisingly they packed up hitting on us but they were still unpleasantly noisy. One of the bar staff came over and had a word and they hushed up a bit but only for a while and then they were back to being objectionable again. Then they called a waitress for more beer and ordered food. Frankly how she put up with them and still remained polite I'm not sure. They were stupid, suggestive and on top of all that kept changing the orders. I wondered if they had taken some drugs.

  When the waitress came with the food they got quite awful and, although we couldn't hear exactly what was said, it was clear she was not best pleased. As she went to leave the table one of the men stuck his hand up her skirt. She jerked away from him looking furious but not frightened. I know now all would have been alright if we'd left it to her. She would have reported them to the management and they would have been thrown out. Unfortunately, Marion went mad. She leapt up, and picking up their jug of beer, threw it over them. It was mainly aimed at the groper but the other two got some as well.

  I swear our groper must have been high on something because he jumped up, grabbed Marion and began kissing and fondling her. She screeched and tried to get out of his grip. Well naturally I had to intervene. I got up, and coming behind the man, grabbed his testicles with one hand and the back of his hair with the other, and pulled hard. I then swung him around so he was facing me and kicked him hard in the testicles. When I turned it was to see Kath going mad with her shoulder bag and whacking away at the other two men.

  There was total pandemonium then: the music act stopped altogether, there were shouts and cat calls from other customers, and from all quarters of the bar came Jeff's staff. The three jerks got thrown out without much ceremony but Jeff knew who we were and we ended in his private office standing in a line like three naughty schoolgirls.

  "What the hell do you think you were playing at, ladies? Why the fuck didn't you leave it my staff instead of creating such a scene. I admit we should have chucked those three jerks out sooner but I do not want Jeff's Place getting a reputation for brawling. I'm getting you a taxi and if you ever come back you'd better behave yourselves."

  Of course, while we were waiting for the taxi, Jeff called Sam and Bill who would undoubtedly call David in turn. We knew there was one big correction awaiting us that night.

  Chapter 8

  As we drove home in the taxi we were all very quiet. A woman in our community had a fair idea what the consequence would be as a result of behaviour like ours. That consequence would involve a great deal of wailing and a very sore bottom. Not long ago I would have laughed at the idea that would be me but as we drove all I felt was guilty. I had behaved so badly. I should have stopped Marion and taken her off to cool down. I'd let Marion down, Bill down and most of all Sam. What sort of friend was I? What sort of wife was I? What sort of mother to Lily come to that? By the time the taxi got back to the community I was in a terrible state unlike anything I'd ever felt before.

  When I walked in the door Sam was sat with a beer reading a book. Because of Lily he'd had to stay in. He looked up. "What on earth did you three get up to?

  To my amazement his mild words had the most electrifying effect on me. I simply broke down in floods of tears and threw myself at him. You may think me a right wimp if you want but I had been changing steadily since coming to the community. Now I wasn't proud of my behaviour, as I once would have been, but instead, deeply ashamed. Sam pulled me onto his lap and held me while I sobbed into him.

  "You must be so disappointed in me. You don't hate me now do you?"

  Even I could hear the total amazement in his voice. "Hate you! What on earth are you talking about, Sally. I love you. Didn't you realise?"

  "No I didn't. I love you Sam. I really do. I didn't when we married, obviously, but it happened almost without my noticing at first. I've never felt like this about any other man."

  That sounds all nice and clear doesn't it? It wasn't. I sort of stumbled that out through a lot of tears. Sam held me tight throughout in a very loving way When I stopped bawling he whispered to me. "Do you want to know a secret?"


  "You were not the first woman to apply to be my wife."

  I was instantly, and irrationally, jealous. "What happened?"

  "You were number twenty. In fact, one of the others wasn't really a woman but a girl of barely eighteen. They were all horribly unsuitable. Some I wouldn't want for a wife in a million years. Some would have been dreadful mothers for Lily. Here is another bit I haven't told you... I
gave up. I took all my adverts down. They were all over the place but they all came down again. I decided to manage without remarrying."

  "But I saw an advert. I answered it. I couldn't have done that if it wasn't there."

  "I know. I simply forgot about that church and they must have just left it up. When I got your email I nearly wrote back and said I wasn't looking but then I thought differently. A lot of enquiries never went anywhere. They followed the link and then never applied. So I thought, well maybe you wouldn't bother anyway, so I sent you a link. I just loved your application, Sally. You came across as a very strong person but kind and compassionate. The fact that you'd cared for your sister-in-law and looked after your niece and nephew weighed heavily. Then your photos showed you to be very attractive but the ones of your face showed me that you were seeking something but didn't know what. So I invited you to come. The moment you stepped out of the car I knew... I just knew you were the one for me. Your questions, and the way you got on with Lily, told me I wasn't wrong about you. Since then I've come to love you very deeply indeed. I could never hate you Sal and certainly you haven't disappointed me."

  I sat on Sam's lap for a long time while he simply cuddled me. I almost forgot there was the small matter of being chucked out of Jeff's Place. After a long while he whispered, "Of course that doesn't mean I was thrilled about the behaviour of you three girls at Jeff's and Jeff isn't happy either."

  The reminder made my insides turn over. "No, I'm ashamed of myself. As soon as I saw Marion get up I should have cut her off and taken her to cool down."

  "So you do know that no matter how bad those men were you all reacted very badly?"


  "We three husbands agreed on how we would deal with it. Marion is in for a corrective spanking somewhat more serious than the one for you and Kath. Marion's a hot head. She is getting better, but this escapade! Now it's late, and we have been emotional, so would you like to leave this until Lily is in play school tomorrow?"

  It was tempting. Put off the reckoning until tomorrow... very tempting but my good sense intervened. I'd only spend an anxious night and be in a complete dither in the morning. Best get on with it. "No, best get it done. I expect I'll be sleeping on my tummy tonight."

  Sam didn't sound grim, or anything, just mildly matter of fact. "You will. Very well. Go to our bedroom. Remove your pants and panties and stand facing the end of the bed."

  Well that was a new one on me. I went into the bedroom, and was just going to do as he said, when it struck me that I had to get undressed for bed anyway; so I stripped all my clothes off and, contritely, stood facing the foot board of the bed. The bed frame was made of Cherry wood and the foot board, vertical bars set in a frame, came up to about waist high on me. It was a real craftsman made piece of furniture. Not being sure what was going to happen I just stood there. Then Sam came in and I felt sick. He was carrying a rather nasty looking strap.

  "I didn't tell you about these when you came because I knew it would worry you and I would only rarely use it. It is a punishment strap made in David's workshop. Originally it was designed for this community but now he sells them around the world. We agreed how this will go so it was fair on all of you. I am going to spank you with my hand first and then you get twelve with this."

  I was surprised. "Only twelve?"

  "Trust me Sally twelve is not only anything. Twelve will hurt and if you leap up or protect your bottom there will be extras. Now bend over the rail and we'll start your hand spanking."

  I bent over feeling the smooth bar against my tummy and wondering just what this was going to be like. Sam's first smack told me how much worse it was than being over his knee. I suppose in this position he was able to use more power in spanking me and I yelped loudly when his hand smacked hard on my right cheek. He carried on spanking me, with each smack far more powerful, and hurting far more, than any other hand spanking. I simply couldn't keep still with it. My bottom wriggled around as smack after smack rained down on my poor bum and the sting... it stung so much and burned.

  I scrabbled around for something to hold on to because I knew I deserved this spanking but taking it was another matter. In the end I reached out on either side and gripped the rails of the foot board tightly. Sam's hand was ruthless, hard, and spanked me everywhere. It seemed to land on a different spot each time including all the tops and backs of my thighs. In the end I was stamping my feet and trying desperately to keep still enough to take it. I knew I was sobbing but I just couldn't control myself. Being spanked like that certainly takes all the arrogance out of a girl.

  I was so relieved when Sam told me I could stand up. My bottom was one huge burning and stinging mass. I put my hands back to gently feel it and ran them up and down from thighs over the curves of my bottom right up to the very top. All was horribly hot and sore. I had my back arched as I did as if somehow that would ease the heat. Sam came with tissues and wiped my nose and eyes for me. He gave me a little cuddle but I knew we weren't done... I still had a strapping to come.

  Sam went and picked up the strap. That thing looked terrifying to me and yet I knew that the founders were both men and women. In fact, the women were pretty much the driving force and I wouldn't be surprised if it was one of them designed the strap.

  "Now Sally, bend back over the rail and do what you did just now - hang onto the rails. This will hurt so do try and stay in position and then we can keep it to twelve."

  I was really scared as I bent over and shaking as I gripped the bars. My bottom stretched as I bent and the sting seemed to increase as it did so. My mind was whirling with all sorts of things so I was unaware of whatever preparation Sam made but suddenly there was a huge blow across my bottom. A vicious crack reverberated around the room and then came the deep hot pain. I cried out, "Aaaah!" and shot upright, my hands fumbling around to hold my poor bottom.

  "Sally I did warn you. That is now one extra so please get back in place and stay there."

  I felt ashamed and slowly bent over, the burning line hurting more as the skin stretched. Then another line of deep hot pain and I jerked against the foot board and screeched. At the third I burst into tears again and cried out, "Sam, Sam I can't take this."

  "Yes you can Sally. It hurts but you can take it. You'll not sit comfortably for several days but it won't injure you. Now be a brave girl and let's get this done."

  Each hard blow of the strap was frightening. The sound reverberating made it even more scary and then always that terrible burning pain that followed. At the tenth I jumped up again. I clutched my bottom hard and turned to face him. "It hurts."

  "Sally, it's meant to. This is a corrective spanking. You three brought the community into disrepute and potentially tarnished Jeff's reputation. I know the three guys were at fault but you shouldn't have got involved. Now you've got another extra."

  I turned and very slowly bent over again. My skin stretched and screamed at me for disturbing it again. I cried and panted my way through another four blistering strokes of that strap and vowed I'd never do anything to earn another. When Sam told me to stand I did it slowly and cautiously but could barely stand still because my bottom hurt so much. Sam was great. He came with tissues and a wet towel. My nose and eyes were wiped and then he washed my face with the towel and hugged me until I was calm again.

  I told him, "I'll never, ever do anything to earn another dose of that strap. Poor Marion I guess she's getting more than twelve."

  "You guess right but she is older and more experienced in this lifestyle. She should have been helping you younger and less experienced wives. Now I'm going to turn off lights and so on."

  I walked slowly to the bathroom and cleaned my teeth. My parents had always been very thorough about cleaning teeth and I was now teaching Lily the same. Usually after a correction, even just corner time, I felt randy, but not tonight. I was very sore indeed and emotionally quite drained. I was thrilled that Sam loved me, and I had declared my love for him, but I had no sexual urges what
soever. When Sam came back in the room I saw at a glance he was feeling randy. He wasn't making any advances but I now knew my husband well enough to read the signs.

  Sam was a good man, and if I didn't want to make love, he would just be the gentleman and accept it but I remembered my vow to myself before marriage. I had stupidly assumed that I wouldn't especially enjoy our sex life (based on experience with previous lovers) and vowed to myself I would always be available when he needed me. When he got near to me I put my arms around him and looking up said, "I don't think I'll be very responsive but if you want to make love..." Well I didn't have to be very clever to see the desire on his face so I said, "Come on Sam. Just have a bit of fun."

  He was almost shamefaced in asking me to bend over the footboard of the bed again. However, I'd rather do that than any real athletics. I bent over slowly to avoid sudden shocks to my well spanked skin and moved my legs apart. I wasn't ready for him of course, and Sam knew that, but he had clever and sensitive fingers. Then I felt his hardness begin pressing against my entrance. He was very careful not to rush it and slowly he pushed into me. He seemed huge, much bigger than normal but perhaps that was because I wasn't randy to begin with. He began thrusting slowly holding my hips and every now and then banging up against my horribly sore bottom.