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Sally's Journey: ... into domestic discipline Page 8

  It happened in the blink of an eye. One moment I was just letting him have me and the next I was engulfed in lust. I pushed my bottom out and Sam began thrusting harder and I was in a tidal wave of lust which was sweeping me out of control. I was sent crashing into a huge orgasm and could feel my muscles squeezing his shaft. It was too much for Sam and with a great shout of conquest he began pumping his semen deep inside me.

  I could scarcely believe what had happened and Sam was no better. He stayed in me for a while and then slipped out and helped me to stand. We hung on to each for quite a while and then he took me to the shower and we washed each other gently under the warm stream. After we dried we fell into bed, me on my tummy, and fell very quickly asleep.

  I was awoken at around three by a cry from Lily. I was naked so threw on a gown and rushed in to find her sitting up in bed looking confused. I knew what the problem was - she needed the toilet but was too sleepy to work out what to do. I took her off to the toilet and as I put her back to sleep she murmured, "I love you, Mommy."

  I stood looking down at her with little tears starting in my eyes. Sam, Lily and this whole community. I was just so very lucky.

  Chapter 9

  I was extremely sore the next day and every step pulled at my poor bottom but I still felt that internal sense of peace I'd had before. I have no idea what a psychologist would say about it all but I had no desire to change my life, not one bit of it. However, whatever my feelings, I still had to make my meals' rounds. I had Jack on my round that day but no Lily because the play school was doing a special drama event. I wondered what Jack would be like with me without Lily present.

  "No Lilly? Is she ill?"

  "No, they have a special day at play school and they are going to make the children up and do drama activities. I could hardly stop her doing that."

  "Right. Come in. Coffee?"

  "Yes please, I'll just put your meals away and check the dates on anything left."

  "I'm not senile, girl."

  "I know, but I have to do it anyway, because some of our clients get confused."

  "Yer get old and everyone thinks yer stupid."

  "Jack, I know you're not stupid or confused. Far from it. Cantankerous maybe but nothing else." He laughed, as if the idea of being cantankerous pleased him, and then invited me to sit down. "If you don't mind I'll stand up."

  He made a snorting noise. "That man of yours whip yer butt because of what happened at Jeff's Place?" I choked on my coffee. "I'm not stupid, girl. I may not get out much but I still have contacts and yer live in that discipline community. I reckon brawling in a bar is a whipped butt issue in yer community."

  To change the subject I told him about being followed and how I had showed the man in the café my gun. He didn't seem surprised and asked me if there was anything else so I told him about the tracker and how it led to the Cannon residence. He didn't seem in the least surprised about that either and told me flat it was because 'my man' was a witness against Everett Cannon.

  "The gun business and the tracker have made them back off you. They'll have had a camera by that front entrance and will have seen you so now they reckon yer not a soft touch. Tell that man of yers to carry a gun at all times. Also speak to the Sheriff about getting some protection. Nearer the trial the greater the danger. Promise me now girl."

  I promised but in fact it was already too late.

  When I got back to the community Lily was bouncing with excitement about her day. She had face paint on to look like a wolf. A wolf I ask you, but she loved it, and had to chase me around going "Raaa" while I pretended to be scared. I began preparing the evening meal with Lily's 'help' but Sam didn't come home when I expected; two hours later and he still wasn't back. Then the phone rang. My heart chilled and felt as if it had stopped when an official voice told me that Sam had been involved in an accident. He was in ER and I should get over there as soon as possible.

  I phoned Marion and she, Bill and the boys came immediately to pick Lily up, promising to feed her. Bill offered to come with me but I refused. I drove fast, but safely, to the hospital which was some distance away. I was told by a Sheriff's deputy that Sam's car had been hit sideways on by a large tipper truck. Well I knew who was responsible for that, but I wanted to see how bad Bill was, so I didn't stop with him. Sam looked awful: his nose had been broken and reset leaving him with huge black eyes, his face was scraped and raw, his left arm was broken and had been reset, and although not broken he had badly bruised ribs. He had been lucky, I was told. Sam talked to me a bit but he was drowsy with the painkillers they'd given him. He was being kept in overnight so I left him to go and do battle with the forces of law and order.

  I was upset... very upset, so, when I saw the Sheriff with the deputy I'd spoken to on my arrival, I went steaming in. "You know who is bloody well responsible for this don't you? It's that Cannon man. Are you going to arrest him?"

  "Now Mrs Alden we don't have a shred of evidence. The truck was stolen some two hours earlier and the young man seen running away looked like some punk kid. On the face of it nothing to do with the Cannons."

  "You don't believe that do you?"

  "No, and your husband will be guarded all night. A deputy will follow you home and sit outside the gate to your community. When Mr Alden comes out we'll talk more about protection for your family."

  True to his word a deputy's vehicle followed me all the way to the entrance of our community. There I discovered Bill had alerted the community council and they had acted with speed. There were two armed security guards from a private company manning the gate. Normally during day time there was one of two unarmed ex-police officers who shared the duty. Later that evening I discovered that the council was going to reinforce that with an armed guard in the day and the two armed guards at night. As it was I had to show my identification to the two guards who checked carefully before admitting me. No way was Garret Cannon getting in here.

  I collected Lily and explained that Daddy had an accident and now had a broken arm (that required some explanation because she didn't know what it meant). When he came home we would have to be very caring. Lily was eager to do things for her daddy and I promised her she could help collect him in the morning. After Lily was asleep I had numerous visitors all anxious about Sam and it was late before I finally got into my bed. My bottom was still sore but I'd have taken another correction with that strap if it meant having him unhurt and beside me in bed.

  I checked before going to the hospital that they were going to release Sam. I took Lily with me and when we got to the gate there was a deputy's car sitting outside. I told him what I was doing and he followed me all the way to the hospital. The Sheriff was waiting at the hospital and I told him and Sam what the community council had done about security.

  Sam was still rather groggy but he was clear enough. "None of us are leaving the community for anything until after the trial. Someone else will do your rounds, Sally, and I'll work from home. Any provisions we need we can order in or someone else can collect. We'll be safe enough there and it's not like being in a safe house or something. We've plenty of room."

  I think the Sheriff was rather relieved as his resources were stretched somewhat. Anyway the Sheriff himself followed us all the way back to the community where we were greeted warmly. Lily got to fuss over Sam to her heart's content and I didn't have to cook because the community brought food for us. Once Lily was asleep Sam revealed to me how sore he really was. He was also tired because he'd not slept that much the night of the so called accident. I thought that he wouldn't be correcting me with a spanking any time soon, and although it should have pleased me, it didn't.

  Sam didn't sleep much that night either. Every time he turned over his ribs or his arm seemed to hurt and wake him. It kept me awake too and by the next morning he was really not a happy bunny. I called our community doctor's service. Pippa Knight, the wife part of the team, came and gave Sam some shots which sent him off to sleep. I was rather relieved as it mean
t I could stop being nurse and get on with some jobs. I told Lily to play outside (she had a sand pit and some climbing equipment just out the back) rather than sending her to play school, and became a busy housewife.

  To be honest I was finding it hard to get back in my disciplined wife mode. I was upset, very upset in fact. I felt a victim and that goes against my grain. I refuse in life to be a victim; but frankly I wasn't sure what to do. Well I was - blow bloody Garrett Cannon's head off his shoulders. But that seemed a bit of an extreme reaction given it could have been an accident caused by some kid joy-riding. Then Lily came in looking worried and holding a large brown envelope.

  She spoke before I could get in a word. "A man told me to give this to my daddy."

  "What man?"

  "A strange man." She meant a stranger of course.

  I opened the envelope and went cold. Clearly taken from a distance it was a photo of Sam with Lily. A crude target had been drawn on Lily's chest and there was a Band-Aid stuck across Sam's mouth. The meaning could not have been clearer. I sat Lily down with some milk, a cookie and a DVD and told her to stay put. I then went out and cast around. How had any stranger got past the gate without declaring his business? It didn't take me long to find out. A little way from the house, hidden by bushes and trees, there were the tyre marks of a quad bike. Whoever it was had come in over the hills.

  A cold rage swept over me. I have always been slow to anger, just like my dad, but when it happens it is all consuming. Sam was knocked about and now, loaded up with sedatives, was fast asleep. This was up to me to sort out. Oh sure I could go the Sheriff but I know what the law is like. It needs evidence. There would be nothing to track it back to Garrett Cannon and his rapist son but the threat would still be there. I knew Sam... no way was he going to fail to turn up to give his testimony. There was only one way to solve this problem. Kill the source. I took Lily to stay with Marion until I got back with a warning not to let her out of her sight. She was worried and puzzled but I told her I'd explain later.

  I went back home, checked Sam was still asleep, and went to the gun cabinet. I took the Smith and Wesson 38 Special that had been Julie's. Sam had taught me to shoot with that and it was easy in my hand with a comfortable recoil. It also had a laser sight so even an inexperienced person like me could be sure of hitting the target. I loaded that and a hunting shotgun and took some spare ammunition and left in my car. I was icy cold in my determination to end this. I didn't expect to come home again. Either I would be killed or arrested but at least Sam and Lily would be safe.

  Google Earth had shown me the layout of the Cannon place. There was no gate, it was all open, and around the back of the property was a swimming pool and a large glass-like structure. I wasn't sure what it was called but it was like a huge conservatory or orangery. I decided that was the best place to start and I'd go in from there. I just drove in as if I had every right and parked my car with several others. With the revolver stuck in my pants, and cradling the shotgun, I walked calmly around towards the back of the house. I was walking beside a long ornamental fish pond when I was spotted by a tall man with a moustache. He started to go for a gun and I pulled an idiotic smile and waved the shotgun.

  "He wanted me to show him this," I called in a friendly voice.

  He looked puzzled but stopped reaching for his gun. I walked up to him and when I was close enough I reversed the shotgun and hit him hard on the nose with the stock. He reeled back and I kicked him hard in the testicles; as he doubled I drove the stock of the shotgun into his face. Any anxiety I felt about being so violent was killed by the memory of that target drawn on Lily's photo. I found his gun and tossed it into the fish pond and walked on.

  My luck was in. The large glass structure was full of plants and in it I saw the figure of Everett Cannon. He was pacing up and down with a large drink in his hand. As I entered I saw his father, Garrett, lying out on a recliner. He seemed to be asleep. Everett jumped when he saw me and spilled his drink.

  I pointed the shotgun at him and screamed, "Get down on the fucking floor. Get down. Flat down, hands on your neck and spread your fucking legs."

  He did as he was told so fast it was almost comical. His father woke up with a start but I stuck the shotgun into his neck. I spat the words at him rather than speak normally.

  "In one minute, I am going to blow the head off the rest of your body, but first I am going to tell you why. I hope you're fucking listening carefully, you worthless piece of shit." His eyes went wide with shock and fear. "It was bad enough your thugs started following us around. It was worse when they started following me when I was with my daughter, but attacking my husband was far, far worse. Oh, he will be OK. Banged up but he'll live..." Everett started to move and I screamed, "Keep still you fucking pervert." He kept still and I carried on. "Today you crossed a line. Now you have to die. Threatening my daughter was a line you should never have crossed."

  The expression on Garret Cannon's face worried me. He looked as if he hadn't the faintest idea what I was talking about. "Who are you?" he asked.

  "Mrs Alden, Sam Alden's wife, the man who is going to put your rapist son in prison."

  Something went across his face but it wasn't anger or cunning. "How old is your daughter?"


  The expression on his face deepened and I knew now what it was. It was pain and anguish. He ignored the shotgun pressed against his neck and turned to his son. "What have you done?"

  "Dad, nothing. She wasn't hurt... it was..."

  "Shut up! Shut up! Oh God, I have been so blind." He looked up at me and I was shocked at how deeply unhappy he looked. "Mrs Alden, I am so very sorry. This is all my fault but not of my doing. Don't kill me now. You'll just end in jail and there is no need. I'll sort this out. Your family is safe, you have my word. If you know anything about me, you'll know I'm tough, but my word is worth something."

  You may think me stupid, but my past experience had taught me to read people, and I believed him. I could see it now. It wasn't him it was his son behind it, doubtless using his father's men. I made a decision and removed the gun from his throat. He just lay still.

  "I'm curious. How did you get round here? Carl was on duty."

  "Tall man with a moustache?"


  "You'll need your staff medical insurance but he'll be OK. His gun is in the pond."

  I think he was faintly amused by that but I warned him anyway that if he didn't keep his word I'd be back. He nodded and turned with disgust to his son. I left, no need for me to listen to that.

  I got back home to find Sam up and walking carefully around. He looked rough so I told him to sit down. "Where have you been? Why have you got those guns? What have you done?"

  I tossed the photo to him and told him. "I've been dealing with that. It involved a lot of violence and a great deal of swearing but you're not going to correct me for it. I refuse all correction. You were banged up and asleep and in no state to do anything but you and Lily had been threatened. The law is useless against this sort of thing. I think I've sorted it and no one is dead. I was doing what wild animals do. It doesn't matter whether it's a fox, a lion, a tiger or a bear. If the male is not around and the cubs are threatened the female takes over. I was fighting for my family. You made me a wife and a mother so I did what I had to."

  Sam stared at me for a while and then he gave me one of those slow smiles I love and asked, "So what do I call you now? Mrs Bear?"

  I started to laugh but suddenly was crying. Reaction I suppose. I ended, kneeling on the floor in front of Sam, with my head in his lap, bawling my eyes out while he stroked my hair. As he stroked he said, "Have you any idea how much I love you Mrs Bear?" That made me cry even more.

  When I was better I had to explain exactly what I had done while his eyes grew wide at his Amazon of a wife. When I finished he decided that, in spite of the promise, we had both better go around armed for the time being and alert the rest of community. I retrieved Lily with a brief e
xplanation to Marion. That night we locked the doors... just in case.

  Around midday the following day the Sheriff appeared. He had good news. Everett Cannon had changed his plea to guilty and Sam would not need to give evidence. Everett Cannon would get a lighter sentence but he would serve time. Later a delivery van turned up. There was a large bunch of flowers for me, a beautiful doll with the loveliest clothes for Lily and a case of expensive wine for Sam. There was a moving letter to go with them. Garrett Cannon had kept his word.

  However, life didn't return to normal for us. I knew something wasn't right with me but, and I know you'll think me naïve or stupid, I had no idea what it was. I went to the medical centre and was given a test by Pippa Knight. The result was a shock. With the test result in my hand I went home. I had already made two large changes in my life: giving up my job and then becoming a wife in a domestic discipline community. Now it was about to change again.

  Sam was trying to work on accounts with one arm and looking frustrated. I wasn't sure how he might react to the news and in the end I just handed him the bit of paper. Sam was delighted... truly delighted. We stood hugging each other for a long while. My only worry now was how to make sure Lily didn't get jealous. My parents had managed it with my brother and Anne had managed it before that dreadful holiday so I was sure we could. Besides Lily is a loving child and I loved her as if she was my own. All the same a new baby would bring big changes.

  If you don't mind, I'll leave my story there. I had been on a long journey. Not just the physical one but several others. One was simple enough: I had journeyed from being an aggressively successful career girl to being a home-loving wife and mother. It had also taken me to being an obedient wife in a domestic discipline arrangement. Those journeys had led me to happiness. The death of my parents and brother had made me re-evaluate my life but now I had found what was really important to me: my family and my community. It may not be what matters to you but it did me. I hope you have, or will find, what is really important for you.